andrewtroth's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Audium Theatre of Sound-Sculptured Space

The only theatre in the world constructed specifically for sound movement.
San Francisco, California

Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

A psychedelic labyrinth on the San Francisco bay.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento Old City Cemetery

The capitol city's oldest existing cemetery.
Sacramento, California

Sacramento's Original Street Level

The California capital city once stood 10 feet lower than it does today.
Fresno, California

Forestiere Underground Gardens

An underground mansion with fruit-bearing trees and grapes growing beneath the surface of central California.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

The Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle

This century-old grotesque has a mysterious history and may not actually be a rabbit.
London, England

Difference Engine #2

Charles Babbage's proto-computer, painstakingly brought to life.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Vicens

Step inside the first house designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, considered to be one of the first Art Nouveau buildings.
Worcester, Massachusetts

American Antiquarian Society

This little-known rival to the Library of Congress houses one of the largest collections of pre-1876 American books, newspapers, and manuscripts.
Lessines, Belgium

Hopital Notre-Dame à la Rose

One of Belgium's oldest hospitals saw patients from the 13th to 20th centuries before becoming a museum.
Bavay, France

Bavay Ancient Forum

These ruins reveal the remarkably intact layout of a Roman marketplace.
Mons, Belgium

The Passenger

A 141-foot wave of crashing lumber guards the entrance to the Grand Place in Mons.
Mons, Belgium


A visionary precursor to the Internet made of index cards.
Concord, Massachusetts

Orchard House

Louisa May Alcott based “Little Women” on her experiences growing up in this house with her sisters.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum

20,000 pieces in a Frank Gehry-designed building.
Falcon Heights, Minnesota

Bell Museum

This taxidermic smorgasbord was co-created by an artist poached from the Museum of Natural History.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Center for Lost Objects

An unusual assortment of art, furniture, and other curiosities.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Rathskeller Cafe

A 115-year-old restored German dining hall awaits those who venture beneath the Minnesota State Capitol.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Schubert Club Museum of Musical Instruments

A collection of pianos and more guaranteed to delight anyone interested in music history.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Vision of Peace (Indian God of Peace)

World's largest carved onyx figure stands as a tribute to enduring peace.
Hume, California

Buck Rock

This hidden fire lookout offers spectacular views of Sequoia National Park.
Three Rivers, California

Moro Rock

Four hundred granite steps were built into this massive rock by the National Park Service.
Sequoia National Park, California

General Sherman

Quite simply the largest tree in the world (by volume).