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Tenango del Valle, Mexico


The archeological ruins of the ancient fortified city of the mysterious Teotenanca civilization.
Mineral de Pozos, Mexico

Casa del Venado Azul

A bed and breakfast, botanical garden, art gallery, academy, and workshop all in one.
San Martín Centro, Mexico

Beatriz de la Fuente Teotihuacán Murals Museum

These millennia-old murals once covered the walls of residential complexes across the ancient city.
Morelia, Mexico

'People and Landscape of Michoacán' Mural

This masterpiece of muralism depicts the rich culture of the people of Michoacán and their timeless connection to the land.
Ekbalam, Mexico

"Angels" of Ek' Balam

These winged Maya figures are the subject of speculation and conspiracies.
Acolman, Mexico

Museum of Tepexpan

A museum built around the site where the most controversial human remains in the country were found.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ceiling of the Cloister of San Juan

Inside the cloister of the Temple of San Juan Bautista is a ceiling decorated with gold Baroque illustrations.
Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Mexico

Reindeer of La Cruz

A wooden sculpture sits rather out of place in this Mexican beach town.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Cuernavaca Cathedral Murals

Monumental paintings, discovered in a Mexican cathedral in 1957, depict the deaths of some friars in Japan.
Xodhé, Mexico

Manantiales el Aguacate

Warm water springs inside an astounding canyon.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

Mini Mundos

Detailed miniature models of iconic landmarks in Mexico and around the world.
Mina, Mexico


A rocky shelter in the desert hides one of the largest concentrations of cave paintings in Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Parque Masayoshi Ohira (Masayoshi Ohira Park)

This Japanese-inspired park showcases the city's peculiar trends for naming features after foreign rulers.
Tizimín, Mexico

Three Kings Catacombs

A sprawling network of century-old subterranean catacombs lies beneath a nondescript suburban home.
Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico

Crocodiles of Sumidero Canyon

In this breathtaking canyon, crocodiles bask on boulders and glide through the murky waters.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

'Tomb of the Years' at Tenayuca Pyramid

An archaeological museum at the Aztec pyramid displays signs of the New Fire ritual performed every 52 years.
Atotonilco, Mexico

Santuario de Atotonilco

The walls and ceilings of the "Mexican Sistine Chapel" are almost completely covered with mural, sculpture, inscriptions and oil paintings.
Aguascalientes, Mexico

Los Ángeles and La Cruz Graveyards

Legends, sculptures, and unique tombs can be seen lurking in these connected cemeteries.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Palace Atetelco

This pre-Hispanic apartment complex also includes ancestral paintings that point to its military past.

Macaques of Tanaxpillo Island

The population of Southeast Asian primates was introduced to Mexico in the 1970s.
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico

Zoo Miguel Álvarez del Toro

Catch a glimpse of local, native wildlife at this zoo dedicated to conservation and education.
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

Templo de Santa Rosa de Viterbo

This baroque wonder is filled with a trove of artistic treasures.
San Martín Huamelúlpam, Mexico

Huamelulpan Archaeological Zone

At this hillside site that was once home to a Mixtec community, you'll find ruins with a view.
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

Museo Bichos Querétaro (Querétaro Bugs Museum)

One man's personal collection of more than 2,000 creepy-crawlies from around the world.