archeralexandria's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Peabody, Massachusetts

Grave of the Boston Strangler

Grave of the man allegedly responsible for a series of infamous murders in Boston in the 1960s.
Salem, Massachusetts

Proctor's Ledge

A quiet memorial marks the spot where the victims of the Salem Witch Trials were executed.
Salem, Massachusetts

Salem Witch Trials Memorial

A simple but powerful tribute to the 20 victims of the 1692 witch trials.
Salem, Massachusetts

House of the Seven Gables

The 340-year-old house that inspired the classic Nathaniel Hawthorne novel.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Satanic Temple

The headquarters in Salem doubles as an occult art gallery.
Ipswich, Massachusetts

Crane Mansion on Castle Hill

Palatial mansion estate used in films including "Flowers in the Attic" and "The Witches of Eastwick."
Rockport, Massachusetts

Paper House

An 80-year-old house built out of newspapers.
Gloucester, Massachusetts

Dogtown & Babson Boulder Trail

A New England ghost town features a trail of boulders etched with intriguing life lessons.
Gloucester, Massachusetts

Hammond Castle Museum

An eccentric inventor's castle home with its own indoor weather system.
South Salem, New York

Wolf Conservation Center

Protecting the future of some of the rarest and most misunderstood mammals of North America.
Rosendale, New York

Widow Jane Mine

This old cement mine has been used as everything from a mushroom farm to a recording studio.
Stratford, Connecticut

Boothe Memorial Park

This eclectic homestead is home to a miniature windmill and Connecticut's last tollbooth.
East Haddam, Connecticut

Goodspeed Opera House

This opera house along the banks of the Connecticut River has two Tony Awards to its credit but it’s never staged a single opera.
East Haddam, Connecticut

Johnsonville Village

This picturesque Victorian ghost town was once a thriving mill community.
Storrs, Connecticut

Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry

Celebrating an art form with a collection of puppets from all over the world.
New Haven, Connecticut

Yale Collection of Musical Instruments

A quirky assortment of musical marvels from around the world.
Rhinebeck, New York

Wilderstein Mansion

The life of one of FDR's possible mistresses is preserved in her palatial Hudson Valley mansion.
Hudson, New York

Hudson-Athens Lighthouse

A small Second Empire-style building is one of only seven remaining lighthouses on the Hudson River.
Annandale-On-Hudson, New York

Olafur Eliasson: The Parliament of Reality

A journey to a hand-crafted island involves a trip across this lattice bridge.
Red Hook, New York

Historic Village Diner

A nearly 100-year-old dining car in upstate New York embodies the golden age of roadside dining.
Goshen, Massachusetts

Three Sisters Sanctuary

A stunning garden filled with fantastical environmental folk art and sculptures.
Pawling, New York

Akin Free Library

The attic and basement house two museums stuffed with oddities like swallowed spoon handles and a shrunken head.
Millbrook, New York

Innisfree Garden

This once-private estate is now a dreamy, meditative garden that's open to the public.
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Glacial Lake Hitchcock Sediment Dam

Now home to hardy plants, these sand and gravel dunes once held back a massive prehistoric lake.