avalost242's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fairfield, Australia

Fruit Bats of Yarra Bend Park

Is there such thing as too many fruit bats? Not anymore.
Key West, Florida

Captain Tony's Saloon

Florida's oldest bar was once a morgue, complete with a hanging tree and gravestones.
Bronx, New York

North Brother Island

Home to the infamous "Typhoid Mary" and the worst loss of life in New York's history prior to September 11, 2001.
Corolla, North Carolina

Corolla Wild Horses

One of the best places to see feral Colonial Spanish Mustangs in the United States.
Lake George, New York

Lake George Mystery Spot

A mysterious echo seems to defy the laws of acoustics.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Fairview Lawn Cemetery

The final resting place of 121 victims of the RMS Titanic, 42 of which may never be identified.
Hutchinson, Kansas

Strataca, The Kansas Underground Salt Museum

Home to Hollywood history and a very special salt crystal.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Museum of Quackery and Medical Frauds

A museum within a museum, devoted to history's most questionable medical devices.
Fort Bragg, California

International Sea Glass Museum

Celebrating the transformation of trash into objects of beauty.
Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
Nashville, Tennessee

United Record Pressing

When Motown musicians came to Nashville in the 1960s they stayed at this historic record-pressing company because hotels wouldn't host them.
Brooklyn, New York

Dead Horse Bay

First a horse rendering plant, then a 19th century landfill, this beach is full of glass from thousands upon thousands of broken bottles.

Relampago del Catatumbo

This everlasting lightning storm may be the world's largest generator of ozone.
Kassel, Germany

Museum of Sepulchral Culture

This German museum is devoted to all aspects of grave culture from headstones to coffins.
Atlantic Ocean

Wreck of the Titanic

Fascination continues to surround one of history's most infamous shipwrecks.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Big Major Cay, Bahamas

Pig Beach

In paradise, feral pigs have claimed an island all to themselves.
Cape Town, South Africa

Seal Island

Haven for Cape Fur Seals, until the Ring of Death of jumping Great White Sharks arrives.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
New York, New York

5 Beekman Street

This beautiful building in the heart of Manhattan's Financial District was empty for decades.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Yarmouth, Massachusetts

The Edward Gorey House

Eclectic collections, artwork, and some feline friends fill the writer's former home.
Lecce, Italy

Museo Faggiano

One man's quest to fix his toilet unearthed over 5,000 artifacts spanning more than 2,000 years of history.
Washington, D.C.

The Old Patent Model Museum

During the Industrial Revolution this “Temple of Invention” was full of intricate miniature machines and gadgets.