benji87's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nassau, Bahamas

Ocean Atlas

The world’s largest underwater sculpture is found just off the coast of Nassau.
Sheffield, England

The Steelworker Mural

This magnificent mural was created with over 30,000 colored bricks.
Naples, Italy

Bourbon Tunnel

Dug as a secret royal escape route, the tunnel became a wartime bomb shelter and dumping ground for vintage cars.
Los Angeles, California

Samuel Freeman House

This forgotten Frank Lloyd Wright house is an architectural marvel at the end of a sleepy residential street.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sculpture Garden

This collector's home is a constant work in progress.
San Francisco, California

Hoppers Hands

At the base of the Golden Gate Bridge, a small sign basically begs for a high-five.
York, England

York Minster Astronomical Clock

This memorial to World War II's fallen airmen shows us the movements of the stars that once guided them.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Monument to the Unknown Bureaucrat

Iceland's tribute to its thankless civil servants.
Los Angeles, California

The Many Plaques of Buster Keaton Studios

The silent film master's legacy commemorated in all the right and wrong places.
North Yorkshire, England

Coldstones Cut

A dramatic sculpture high up in Yorkshire with vistas on an industrial scale.
New York, New York

The Cross at Ground Zero

Pulled from the rubble of one of the worst modern tragedies, a steel crossbeam became a symbol of hope for New Yorkers.
Paris, France

Notre Dame du Travail Church

The industrial architecture honors the laborers who brought the Exposition Universelle of 1900 to life.
Whitby, England

Fortune's Smokehouse

This tiny traditional smokehouse is the only one left in this historic fishing port.
Chester, England

Chester Imp

A mysterious demonic figure peers down from its perch within the gorgeous Chester Cathedral.
Copenhagen, Denmark


A little-known cafe in an old copper bridge tower with 360-degree views of the harbor.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Agnete and the Merman

Beneath Denmark's Højbro bridge, a bronze merman and his seven sons forever mourn for the mother and wife who left them for land.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jens Olsen's World Clock

The gilded, masterful astronomical clock will calculate time, dates, and planetary positions for thousands of years to come.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Leif Sonne's Bottled Beer Collection

The largest bottled beer collection in the world holds over 22,000 unique beer bottles.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Genetically Modified Little Mermaid

Hans Christian Andersen for the postmodern world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Elephant Gate

Pre-Nazi swastikas adorn the sculpted pachyderms flanking this brewhouse portal.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Grundtvig’s Church

This sublime architectural marvel is a rare example of an expressionist church.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Toga Vin & Ølstue

An old Danish political institution where members of government can grab a drink off the record.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Throne of Denmark

Opulence and fantasy collide in this royal chair which is supposedly made with unicorn horns.
Copenhagen, Denmark


The old observatory in Copenhagen has a spiral corridor used as a racetrack.