BintiCrash's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Austin, Minnesota

Spam Museum

Ever wanted to can Spam?
Waco, Texas

Dr Pepper Museum

Housed in a century-old building, this museum's dedicated not just to soft drinks, but to the free enterprise system.
Barcelona, Spain

Chocolate Museum

Gaze upon chocolate sculptures depicting everything from chariot races to Gaudí's famous church at this shrine to sweets.
Blackfoot, Idaho

Idaho Potato Museum

This museum glorifies the humble potato.
Le Roy, New York

The JELL-O Gallery Museum

The birthplace of America's favorite fruit-flavored mystery dessert.
Santos, Brazil

Brazil's Coffee Palace

This majestic building, where Brazil's coffee brokers once bought and sold beans, now houses a coffee museum.
Yokohama, Japan

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

This historical theme park celebrates all things noodle.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Russian Vodka Museum

The past, present, and future of Russia's signature alcohol is remembered in the world's only museum dedicated to the starchy spirit.
El Castell de Guadalest, Spain

Museo de Saleros y Pimenteros

Continental Europe's only museum devoted to salt and pepper shakers features more than 20,000 designs.
Cataño, Puerto Rico

Casa Bacardí

The bat-covered home of one of the world's most popular brands of rum is located on a tropical Art Deco campus.
Irwin, Pennsylvania

The Big Mac Museum

This shrine to McDonalds' most iconic sandwich holds a 14-foot tall burger.
Semenkovo, Russia

Vologda Butter Museum

Slather on the history at an exhibition dedicated to this Russian luxury.
Rome, Italy

Museo Nazionale delle Paste Alimentari

This delightful little museum is dedicated to only one thing: pasta.
Torun, Poland

Toruń Gingerbread Museum

Once a giant gingerbread factory, this space now hosts exhibits and workshops on the historic treat.
Poznań, Poland

St. Martin’s Croissant Museum

The traditional Polish croissant, folded 81 times into the shape of a horseshoe, is a legally protected cultural treat.
Hastings, Nebraska

The Hastings Museum Kool-Aid Exhibit

The home for all things Kool-Aid offers everything except a chance to actually enjoy the drink.
Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco Museum and Factory

For 150 years one family has been producing the iconic hot sauce on a bayou island made of salt.
Cork, Ireland

The Butter Museum

This Irish museum in a historic 19th century market pays tribute to the glory of butter.
Orange, Connecticut

PEZ Visitor Center

The world's largest public collection of PEZ memorabilia.
Vero Beach, Florida

Indian River Citrus Museum

This small museum concentrates on the juicy history of orange production in Florida.
Vicksburg, Mississippi

Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum

A museum in Mississippi celebrates the history of Coca-Cola and the man who brought it to the masses.
Staten Island, New York

Booze History Museum

Crammed into several rooms of a Staten Island home, this museum is a vodka-soaked paean to the pleasures of drinking.
Brooklyn, New York

Museum of Food and Drink

Here, exhibits come with a side of edible history.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Cheese Museum

This cheese shop also houses a museum devoted to Dutch dairy.