bppersio's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ichikawa, Japan

Yawata no Yabushirazu

Nestled in an unassuming residential area, this "forbidden forest" is rumored to spirit away those who dare to enter.
Tokyo, Japan

Obake Kaidan

A flight of this "ghost staircase" has 40 steps on the way up, but only 39 steps on the way down.
Arnhem, Netherlands

Eusebius Church

Organisms normally seen under a microscope decorate this church.
Porto, Portugal

McDonald's Imperial

This restored Portuguese cafe may well be the most beautiful place in the world to grab a Big Mac.
Cascade, Iowa

The Menster Christmas Cookie Gravestone

A mother’s sweet tradition lives on with this unique memorial.
Ithaca, New York

The A. D. White Library

The library of every book lover's dreams.
Ithaca, New York

The Cornell Apple Vending Machine

For a buck, students can snag freshly picked apples grown in the university orchards.
Yokohama, Japan

Tin Toy Museum Kitahara Collection

More tin toys than you can shake a clapping monkey at.
Tokyo, Japan

Museum of Kites

This tiny museum hidden above a restaurant houses thousands of modern and traditional kites.
Volendam, Netherlands

Mr. Kaor's Portrait

The portrait of a man from Japan who sent weekly letters to a Dutch hotel he never visited.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Shane Confectionery

Step into a pastel time capsule where candy is truly dandy.
London, England

Books for Cooks

This bookstore serves recipes from the cookbooks on sale.
Washington, D.C.

FBI Spy House

A painfully obvious spy house sits right across the street from the Russian Embassy.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
Trakai, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle

Over time, this castle grew to encompass the entire island.
Varnja, Estonia

Samovar House

Learn to drink tea like an Estonian at this museum.
Krakow, Poland

The Living Obwarzanek Museum (Żywe Muzeum Obwarzanka)

Learn the fine art of making a centuries-old treat at this hands-on food museum.
Oslo, Norway

Hrimnir Ramen

A microbiologist-chef is slinging noodles with hyperlocal Nordic ingredients.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Russian Vodka Museum

The past, present, and future of Russia's signature alcohol is remembered in the world's only museum dedicated to the starchy spirit.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry

Inside the world's largest seed bank, WWII botanists elected to starve to death rather than compromise their collection.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Nabokov's Butterflies

Specimens collected by the author of "Lolita" and self-taught lepidopterist are exhibited in his childhood home.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Literary Café

Once frequented by heavyweights of the Russian arts scene, this café is stuck in the 1800s.
Bath, England

Sally Lunn's

This restaurant's specialty is "a major enigma for food historians."
Krakow, Poland

Church of St. Francis of Assisi

Inside this Krakow church, an explosion of psychedelic color.