bradhooker's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lucca, Italy
Places edited in Littleton, Colorado
Places visited in Ouray, Colorado
Places visited in Fruita, Colorado
Places visited in Lake City, Colorado
Places edited in Somerset, England
Places edited in Rouen, France
Places edited in Split, Croatia
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Wrocław, Poland

Przejście (Passage)

A striking public sculpture representing the period of martial law in Communist Poland.
Wrocław, Poland

Monument In Honor of the Slaughtered Animals

In the center of Wrocław's old meat market stands a somber tribute to the city's livestock.
Wrocław, Poland

Wroclaw Dwarves

The silly symbol for an underground protest group is now scattered around the city.
Wrocław, Poland


This oddly beautiful water cistern is a techno-temple to the wet stuff and a multimedia masterpiece.
Wrocław, Poland

Racławice Panorama

Relive a Polish uprising via an enormous, century-old cyclorama.
Darlington, England

Brick Train

A locomotive made from 185,000 bricks celebrates the town's pioneering railway history.
Whitby, England

Whitby Whale Bone Arch

These 20-foot jaw bones honor a time when the leviathan bones were a sign that whalers survived the hunt.
Whitby, England

Scoresby's Polar Bear

A monument to the real explorer and bear who inspired characters in Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials.'
Galway, Ireland

Landing Site of the First Transatlantic Flight

A strange egg in a mucky bog of western Ireland marks the spot of an aviation milestone.
Corofin, Ireland

The Burren

A hugely vast Irish landscape of barren rock that stretches for miles.
Glenslane, Ireland

The Hole of the Sorrows

This singular Irish dolmen is more Frank Lloyd Wright than upright stonehenge.
Foynes, Ireland

Foynes Flying Boat Museum

The world's only flying boat museum honors a small Irish village that sent 20th-century aviation to new heights.
Kerry, Ireland

Great Blasket Island

Just a few miles off the western coast of Ireland lies an isle steeped in Irish literary history.
Kerry, Ireland

Gap of Dunloe

Traveling this mountain pass reveals quaint stone buildings, stunning Irish scenery, and a bridge said to grant wishes.
Kerry, Ireland

Skellig Michael

Perfectly preserved ancient monastery in an impossibly dramatic location on a rocky island in the Atlantic.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

The Dark Hedges

The atmospheric road was never meant to be so creepy.
Ballintoy, Northern Ireland

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

This short bridge is the only thing connecting a tiny Irish island to the mainland.
Highland, Scotland

Oil Rig Graveyard

Where the sleeping monsters of Scotland's oil industry are left to rust.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Yorkshire, England

Bolton Strid

This lovely little burbling creek is actually a deadly waterway that has dragged down everyone who ever set foot in it.
Whitby, England

Bombardment Garden

The recreated ruins of a house designed to memorialize a World War I shelling on the town.
Whitby, England

Ruins of Whitby Abbey

The gloomy ruins that inspired Bram Stoker to bring Dracula to life.
Glasgow, Scotland

'All Greatness Stands Firm in the Storm'

A unique art installation located on what was once considered the widest railway bridge in the world.