braedynmiller's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.
Kitakyushu, Japan

Wisteria Tunnel

An exquisite tunnel of cascading flowers.
Los Angeles, California

The Echo Park Time Travel Mart

Non-profit time travel mart sells goods you would need for a trip through the fourth dimension.
Mitaka, Japan

Ghibli Museum

A magical place that lets you play in and explore the world of Studio Ghibli.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
New York, New York

Old City Hall Station

A beautiful and abandoned New York subway station from 1904, complete with chandelier.
Los Angeles, California

Underground Tunnels of Los Angeles

During prohibition, corrupt city officials ran drinking dens under the streets of Downtown Los Angeles.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
London, England

The Cartoon Museum

A collection of comics, graphic novels, animation and caricatures devoted to exploring this often overlooked art form.
London, England

Guildhall's Underground Roman Amphitheater

A 2000-year-old Roman amphitheater lies just below Guildhall Yard.
London, England

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

One of the few remaining casualties of the London Blitz, this destroyed church has become an enchanting public garden.
Sevierville, Tennessee

Forbidden Caverns

Wild lights and sound effects turn a walk through some caves into an eye-popping 1960s tourist attraction.
Palatine, Illinois

Ahlgrim Acres

Take a break from all the boring business of death at this funeral home mini-golf course.
Lincolnshire, Illinois

Par-King Skill Golf

This sprawling mini-golf empire is an impressive testament to a disappearing attraction.
Coudersport, Pennsylvania

Coudersport Ice Mine

Contrary to what one might expect, ice forms inside this small cavern during the summer and melts during the winter.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Abandoned Virginia Renaissance Faire

The remains of a failed attempt at medieval nerdery are hidden deep in the woods of Virginia.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death

Eighteen miniature death-scene dioramas.
Springfield, Massachusetts

Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden

Life-size bronzes of the Grinch, Cat in the Hat, Yertle the Turtle, Sam-I-Am, and the Lorax—and the author himself.
Morrison, Colorado

Tiny Town and Railroad

Travel through the wholesome amusements of yesteryear at this charming miniature village.
London, England

The Great Bed of Ware

This intricately carved and hilariously huge bed was such a famous symbol both Shakespeare and Byron used it in their writing.
London, England

Eltham Palace

Art Deco and “Wrenaissance” mash-up, this recently restored royal residence has been home to kings and comes with secret monkey passages included.
London, England

Seven Noses of Soho

Several plaster noses are hidden in plain sight around London's Soho neighborhood.
London, England

Ruined Victorian Folly

Remnants of a Victorian garden feature sitting in public woodland.
London, England

Hoxton Street Monster Supplies

A special shop catering to the needs of things that go bump in the night, and also helps kids become writers.