brf2001's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to White Post, Virginia
Places edited in South Sudan
Places added to Kenya
Places edited in Fort Washington, Maryland
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Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu Durbar Square

This historic square in Nepal is home to temples dating back to the third century.
Silver Spring, Maryland

National Capital Trolley Museum

A suburban museum tells the story of a historic transportation network and even provides rides in antique trolley cars.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Kerrytown Chime

Everyone's invited to put on a miniature concert with this world-class musical wonder.
Evanston, Illinois

Northwestern University Shakespeare Garden

Roses and other fascinating flora fill this garden built to commemorate Britain's immortal Bard.
London, England

Mary Anning's Plesiosaur

This marine reptile was discovered by one of the 19th century's greatest fossil hunters.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
Lenox, Massachusetts

The Mount

The mansion home of author Edith Wharton.
Monterey, California

Jellyfish Exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium

One of the most elaborate displays of Jellyfish is on display at the aquarium.
Los Angeles, California

LAX Theme Building

This quirky UFO-shaped curiosity is often mistaken for the airport’s control tower.
Washington, D.C.

Peacock Room

This stunning blue and gold room changed cities twice before becoming part of the Smithsonian.
Dayton, Ohio

SAM 26000

You can walk through the first Boeing Air Force One, which famously carried JFK's casket from Dallas back to D.C.
Alexandria, Virginia

Mount Vernon Slave Cemetery

The graveyard holding the remains of George Washington's slaves was forgotten for nearly 200 years.
Chicago, Illinois

Stained Glass at Navy Pier

A display of magnificent stained glass windows is the first exhibit of its kind.
Chicago, Illinois

Crown Fountain

The twin towers in this Chicago fountain use 50 foot tall video screens to spit on people.
Chicago, Illinois

Palmer House Hilton

This historic hotel invented the chocolate brownie.
Washington, D.C.

Hinckley Hilton President's Walk

A hidden passageway now marks the site of an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan that some say broke a 140-year-old curse.
Bethesda, Maryland

Congressional Country Club

Proto-CIA agents trained with grenades in the sand traps and fired machine guns from the fairways.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.
Washington, D.C.

Russian Ambassador's Residence

Was there a small "backpack nuke" hidden in the attic? JFK apparently thought so.
Washington, D.C.

Embassy Gulf Service Center

Behind an abandoned storefront is an example of pioneering 1930s gas station architecture.
Washington, D.C.

Bare-Chested George Washington

Perhaps the most scandalous statue of America's first president.
Washington, D.C.

St. Elizabeths Hospital

Government testing at the asylum briefly explored using marijuana as a "truth serum" on Nazi prisoners of war.
Washington, D.C.

Knife Edge

Architecture lovers won’t stop touching the National Gallery's 19.5 degree marble prow.
Laurel, Maryland

On the Brink

A haunting exhibit in a wildlife refuge center highlights threatened species and the conservation efforts needed to save them.