briviv's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Museum of the Home

Explore nearly 400 years of English middle-class home life.
Highland, Scotland

CairnGorm Mountain Railway

Scotland's only funicular railway is also the United Kingdom's highest.
London, England

Brunel Museum Grand Entrance Hall

The first tunnel to be dug beneath a river, repurposed as an art and museum space.
Fortingall, Scotland

The Fortingall Yew

Possibly the oldest living thing in Europe, more likely a pagan survivor.
Lerwick, Scotland

Up Helly Aa

During this Shetland Islands celebration, hundreds of torch-carrying "guizers" lead a procession to burn a viking longboat.
Morda, England

Knife Angel

The sculpture is made of more than 100,000 knives collected to raise awareness about violence.
Forres, Scotland

The House of Automata

A curious collection of mechanical moving figures.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Lauriston Castle

This allegedly haunted 16th-century tower house-turned-museum exhibits thousands of spectacular objects.
London, England

Houseboats of Regents Canal

A community of artists and entrepreneurs seeks a simpler life on London's waterways.
London, England

Michael Faraday's Laboratory

The lab where the scientist made his groundbreaking discoveries is preserved on the basement floor of the Faraday Museum.
London, England

Two Princes Staircase

Richard III supposedly disposed of his nephews' bodies here in an effort to seal his claim to the throne.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wojtek the Soldier Bear Memorial

A statue in the heart of Edinburgh honors a bear that served in the Polish military during World War II.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

New Slains Castle Ruins

The remains of a grand castle that may have inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula.
London, England

Leighton House Museum

This artist's home turned gallery/museum preserves the creator's love of "Eastern" influences.
Stratford-upon-Avon, England

Garden of Heroes and Villains

One of the largest sculpture collections in the U.K. features history's greats, from Bob Dylan to Galileo, in bronze.
London, England

The Burlington Arcade Beadles

This luxury shopping lane has been protected by its own tiny police force for over a century.
Hawarden, Wales

Gladstone's Library

At the United Kingdom's only residential library you can sleep among the books.
Yorkshire, England

Bolton Strid

This lovely little burbling creek is actually a deadly waterway that has dragged down everyone who ever set foot in it.
Keswick, England

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Stonehenge has nothing on Castlerigg’s views.
London, England

Stompie: The Mandela Way T-34 Tank

An abandoned tank sits in an empty London lot as a symbolic middle finger to local city planners.
North Yorkshire, England

Malham Cove

Harry Potter once visited this massive limestone cliff, which was carved by an ancient glacial river.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Barnton Quarry Nuclear Bunker

Long abandoned underground complex to keep royals safe from a nuclear war that never came.
Llanberis, Wales

Dolbadarn Castle Ruins

The stately remains of Llywelyn the Great's mighty fortress.
London, England


A musical composition 1000 years in length plays at the Trinity Buoy Wharf in London.