bruce1b's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Orlando, Florida

Harry P. Leu Gardens

A vast array of tropical plants collected by a vacationing couple.
Sarasota, Florida

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

A Circus legend leaves an unexpected endowment.
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Mitchell, South Dakota

The Corn Palace

A fitting attraction for the corn capital of the world.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Spring Green, Wisconsin

House on the Rock

A bizarre house filled with an astounding array of collections.
Batavia, Illinois


World's second largest particle accelerator, where nature reveals its secrets.
Agua Dulce, California

Vasquez Rocks

Named after a bandit and the star of several Hollywood prehistoric landscapes, these sandstone formations are a historical part of the Los Angeles natural landscape.
Alamo, Nevada

The Black Mailbox

Mysterious meeting place for UFO hunters near Area 51.
Groom Lake, Nevada

Area 51

In the middle of an extremely unforgiving and desolate high desert is the most secret military facility in the world.
Alamo, Nevada

Little A'Le'Inn

An eatery for UFO seekers on the Extraterrestrial Highway.
Sedona, Arizona

Chapel of the Holy Cross

A spiritual vortex among the red rocks in Sedona.