buzybeeding's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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SS Sapona

A steamer run aground near Bimini lives a second life as a playground for scuba divers.
Beacon, New York

Zelda Fitzgerald's Abandoned Sanatorium

The abandoned husk of a mental institution that failed to save a Jazz Age icon still sits nearly unchanged.
Thiells, New York

Letchworth Village

Decades after testing the polio vaccine on unwitting patients, this historic mental hospital sits in ruin.
Staten Island, New York

Kreischer Mansion

This empty Victorian manse on Staten Island is said to be haunted but is actually a real life crime scene.
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Penn Hills Resort

This abandoned Poconos resort is haunted by a history of kitschy romance and a violent fugitive.
New Hope, Pennsylvania

Van Sant Crybaby Bridge

A historic covered bridge is but one example of an oddly prevalent American urban legend.
Weatherly, Pennsylvania

Eckley Miners' Village

This eerily well-preserved coal town was saved from destruction by a Sean Connery movie.
Hellam, Pennsylvania

Hellam Township

Hellam Township is reputed to feature seven remote gates, which when passed through in the right order, open an entrance to hell.
Iowa City, Iowa

The Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery

A mysteriously dark cemetery monument fuels stories and legends galore.
Laurel, Maryland

Forest Haven Asylum

This abandoned asylum was once a state of the art facility before devolving into one of the most deadly mental institutions in American history.
Peninsula, Ohio

Helltown, Ohio

The tragic reality of a town riddled with rumors of haunts, chemical spills, and serial killers.
Mount Vernon, Ohio

Knox County Poorhouse

Abandoned former poorhouse, bible college, and haunted house in an Ohio hamlet.
Granite City, Illinois

Luna Café

A notorious Route 66 eatery once frequented by Al Capone.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

In 2010, Nicolas Cage purchased two plots in this cemetery using one to construct this strange pyramid mausoleum.
Memphis, Tennessee

The Crystal Shrine Grotto

This head-spinningly bizarre Depression-era art cave is wall-to-wall quartz and Jesus.
Louisville, Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

This former tuberculosis research hospital endeavored to cure the dreaded disease with fresh air and positive attitudes.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
St. Augustine, Florida

Wolf's Museum of Mystery

This curio museum seems like the type of place you might find a mogwai or a monkey's paw.
Charleston, South Carolina

Unitarian Church Cemetery

Paths are maintained, but trees have taken over plots.
Savannah, Georgia

Colonial Park Cemetery

One of Savannah's oldest and most haunted cemeteries, featuring graves desecrated by Sherman's Union Army.
Littleton, North Carolina

Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum

Bigfoot prints, Feejee mermaids, and haunted dolls on display in a tiny North Carolina town.
Moundsville, West Virginia

West Virginia State Penitentiary

Beyond the usual stories that attend old prisons, this one has deep bloody undercurrents.
Lee, Florida

The Ghost Town of Ellaville

This picturesque ghost town is located on the banks of the Suwannee River.
Hildebran, North Carolina

Abandoned Henry River Mill Village

An abandoned village that doubled as "The Hunger Games"' post-apocalyptic wasteland is up for grabs.