christianh98's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Akron, Ohio

The Glendale Steps

An elegant sandstone stairway built by the WPA still connects two neighborhoods in Akron.
Akron, Ohio

Site of Sojourner Truth's 'Ain't I a Woman' Speech

But did the famous feminist and abolitionist ever really say those iconic four words?
Akron, Ohio

Goodyear Airdock

This massive airship factory is so large that it has its own indoor weather.
Montgomery, Alabama

Casket on the Steiner-Lobman Building

The whimsical construction on the roof has given rise to many a Montgomery myth about its contents.
Montgomery, Alabama

National Memorial for Peace and Justice

Colloquially known as "the lynching memorial," this is the United States' first memorial to the victims of racial terror at home.
Montgomery, Alabama

Hank Williams's Gravesite

The country music legend's grave is surrounded by Astroturf because fans kept plucking out the grass.
Montgomery, Alabama

Hank Williams' Death Car

Cadillac where country's first big star was found dead.
Montgomery, Alabama

Civil Rights Memorial

Designed by Maya Lin, the memorial honors 41 individuals who died fighting for equal rights between 1954 and 1968.
Huntsville, Alabama

Pathfinder and the MPTA-ET

It may look like no more than a full-scale model, but every part of this full Space Shuttle stack had a working role in aviation history.
Huntsville, Alabama


This 12-foot-tall T-rex is the largest K’Nex skeleton sculpture in the world.
Huntsville, Alabama


A propulsion engine testbed that paved the way for the Space Shuttle launch sits without recognition at this rocket center.
Huntsville, Alabama

The Grave of Miss Baker

Bananas are often left for the first monkey America ever recovered alive after being launched into space.
Birmingham, Alabama

Donor Memorial

This little-known memorial honors those who have donated their bodies to medical training.
Moundville, Alabama

Moundville Archaeological Site

A collection of huge Pre-Colombian structures in Alabama.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The Hodges Meteorite

This space rock fragment is one of the only meteors to have ever struck a human.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Goldie 1971 - The Fallen Robot

A rusted metal giant pays tribute to Birmingham’s industrial past.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Musical Legends Park

A small park on Bourbon Street features life-size bronze statues of New Orleans musicians.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Fort Pike

Once defending the city of New Orleans from invasion by sea, this fort faces an uncertain future.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

In 2010, Nicolas Cage purchased two plots in this cemetery using one to construct this strange pyramid mausoleum.
Vicksburg, Mississippi

U.S.S. Cairo

This iron and wood Civil War city-ship was the first vessel to be sunk by an electrically detonated torpedo.
Tupelo, Mississippi

Elvis Presley Birthplace

This two-room shotgun shack in Tupelo is the birthplace of a King.
Nashville, Tennessee

Site of the Looby House Bombing

An attack on a prominent Black attorney's house sparked a watershed moment in Nashville's civil rights movement.
Nashville, Tennessee

President James K. Polk's Tomb

The grave of America's 11th president is not in some grand monument but instead it's hidden away on the grounds of the Tennessee Capital.
Nashville, Tennessee

Ugly Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue

One Confederate statue that accurately reflects the ugliness of its subject.