callthecopps's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Harmony, Indiana

New Harmony Labyrinth

Symbolic attempt to overcome the issues of life.
Mayfield, Kentucky

The Strange Procession Which Never Moves

Everyone and everything one man ever loved and lost, now stare into the East for all eternity.
Murfreesboro, Arkansas

Crater of Diamonds State Park

The only diamond mine in the world where you can keep what you find.
Murfreesboro, Arkansas

Mauney House and Mine

The remains of the first public diamond mine in Arkansas.
Montrose, South Dakota

Porter Sculpture Park

A roadside collection of over-sized iron creations that are a bit more macabre than most.
Oakley, Kansas

Buffalo Bill Monument

A statue high in a hill that represents how Buffalo Bill got his name.
Meade, Kansas

Dalton Gang Hideout & Museum

This Wild West attraction is probably more fiction than history, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome.
Baraboo, Wisconsin

Man Mound

The remains of a enormous earthen figure of unknown origins cuts across a rural Wisconsin road.
Red Wing, Minnesota

World's Largest Boot

Inside this museum resides a boot fit for a giant.
Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Iron and Steel Works (Joliet Iron Works Park)

What was once the second largest steel mill in the US is now a sprawling complex of modern ruins.
Baraboo, Wisconsin

Circus World Museum

A large circus museum with summer performances.
St. Charles, Illinois

Al Capone's Hideaway & Steakhouse

A onetime gangsters' hideaway where you can dine on steaks, fine wines, and cigars just like they once did.
Walnut Grove, Minnesota

Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and Pageant

Elaborate drama imparts an appreciation for 19th century hardships.
Metropolis, Illinois

The Super Museum

You have to love a museum with a truly dedicated focus. A focus on Superman, for example.
Ashland, Kansas

St. Jacob's Well

Stories of sightless fish and ghostly cowboys are only a fraction of the legends surrounding this Kansas sinkhole.
Sadorus, Illinois

National Museum of Ship Models and Sea History

An amazing collection of scale model ships.
Cave-In-Rock, Illinois


River pirates, murderous bandits, and serial killers used this Illinois cave as their debauched hideout.
Dyess, Arkansas

Historic Dyess Colony: Boyhood Home of Johnny Cash

The Man In Black grew up in a large agrarian community established by the federal government in the Great Depression.
New Harmony, Indiana

The Roofless Church

This open air cathedral invites all faiths to worship under the only roof big enough to fit them all: the sky.
Blue Mounds, Wisconsin

Cave of the Mounds

This cave holds a surprisingly colorful variety of geological oddities.
Paducah, Kentucky

Floodwall Murals

A collection of outdoor art by renowned muralist Robert Dafford depicts the history of a flooded city.
Wilmington, Illinois

Gemini Giant

This historic Illinois "Muffler Man" has been converted from axe-touting lumberjack to rocket-wielding space ace.
Paris, Illinois

'Embassy Row of the Parisian Diaspora'

One of the first historical sites of an alternative universe was installed in the town of Paris, Illinois—which is now home to an annual spelling bee of Kcymaerxthaereal words.
Belleville, Wisconsin

Stewart Tunnel Ice Formations

Every winter, the wind carves blocks of frozen water into beautiful abstract shapes inside this unusually curved tunnel.