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New Orleans, Louisiana

The Music Tree

A hurricane-stricken oak tree has been reborn as a beautiful chainsaw artwork.
New Orleans, Louisiana

BMike's Studio Be

An abandoned warehouse turned art sanctuary in New Orleans.
New Orleans, Louisiana

General Laundry Building

It's clear this abandoned Art Deco gem was no ordinary cleaners.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Tomb of the Unknown Slave

Made of giant chains and hung with shackles, this iron cross honors those unknowns who perished under American slavery.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Wooden Quilt Doors

An artist weaves "wooden quilts" with scraps salvaged from his Katrina-damaged home in Tremé.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dark Matter Oddities & Artisan Collective

This macabre shop, filled with art, oddities, and taxidermy is hidden in the heart of the French Quarter.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Street Name Tiles of New Orleans

This distinctive Crescent City tradition dates back to the days of horse-drawn carriages.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Ignatius J. Reilly Statue

This New Orleans statue of a portly figure in a goofy hat pays homage to a classic of satirical literature.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Tree of Life

This knobby, drooping New Orleans oak is a favorite place both for climbing and for meeting giraffes.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Labyrinth at Audubon Park

The stone labyrinth in this New Orleans city park was laid to symbolize healing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Metairie Cemetery

New Orleans' famous cemetery, located on the site of a former race track.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Rice Family Mausoleum

Anne Rice, one of the most influential writers in gothic literature, is buried alongside her husband in a New Orleans cemetery.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Holt Cemetery

A haunting, yet lovingly hand-hewn potters' field full of graves that flood with each heavy rain.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Bywater Museum of Unnatural History

Professional and amateur dioramas, taxidermy, and oddities all located in an attic above a gallery.
New Orleans, Louisiana

La Belle Nouvelle Orleans Antiques

This unique shop is full of memento mori art, antique medical equipment, secret society paraphernalia, and historical relics.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Buckner Mansion

This Garden District mansion was built to be bigger and grander than its original owner's former partner turned rival.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Eiffel Tower of New Orleans

A little piece of Paris in the sultry south of the U.S.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Congo Square

Once the site of a Native American harvest festival, this humble clearing later played an invaluable role in the birth of jazz.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Faulkner House Books

Shop for books in the New Orleans house where William Faulkner once lived.
New Orleans, Louisiana

M.S. Rau Antiques

A treasure trove of rare and exquisitely detailed antiques
New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Pharmacy Museum

The curiosities and wonders of pharmacy in a delightful historic building.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Napoleon House

A 200-year-old building in the French Quarter that was to be Napoleon's home in the New World.
Evanston, Illinois

The American Toby Jug Museum

More than 8,000 drinking jugs say “Cheers!” to a guy named Toby.