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London, England

Floating Coffin of Pinner

One man's attempt to stay one step ahead of the church.
London, England

Memento Mori Pendant

The Ranger’s House exhibits fine mementos collected by Sir Julius Werner during the course of his life, including this infamous pendant.
London, England

Ye Olde Mitre

Down a pint of ale where the Bishop of Ely's servants slept in 1546.
London, England

Ilford Animal Cemetery

3,000 family pets and military animals are buried in this London graveyard.
London, England

Gravestone of Henry Croft

A statue of the original Pearly King is hidden in a church's crypt.
London, England

Barnet Physic Well

A mineral spring that became all the rage in 17th-century England.
London, England

The Fortnum & Mason Clock

At the top of the hour, figures of the London department store's two co-founders emerge and bow to each other.
London, England

Walthamstow Market

Though it's not the largest, this one-kilometer outdoor market is reportedly the longest in Europe.
London, England

Christchurch Greyfriars Church Garden

The ruins of a church destroyed by both the Great Fire of London and the Blitz, now turned into a peaceful garden.
London, England

Angela Flanders Perfumer

A boutique perfumery fashioned to look like a Victorian-era shop.
London, England

Walbrook Skulls

It's a mystery why these remains were found with no traces of their bodies in sight.
London, England

Dirty Dick's

This pub boasts a curious history and may have inspired a Dickens character.
London, England

The Burney Relief

This bewitching Babylonian goddess haunts a hallway of the British Museum.
London, England

Tomb Of Hannah Courtoy

According to legend, this tomb holds the secrets to time travel.
London, England

Cleopatra's Needle Shrapnel Scars

This ancient Egyptian obelisk still bears the wounds of World War I.
London, England

The Cornhill Devils

These Victorian era devil sculptures were designed to spite a local vicar.
London, England

'Titania and Bottom'

This macabre painting of a Shakespearean scene looks like something out of a nightmare.
London, England

WWT London Wetland Centre

London's marvelous wildfowl reserve along the Thames.
London, England

The Blind Beggar

This East End pub gained notoriety as the site where gangster Ronnie Kray publicly shot a rival.
London, England

The Lewis Chessmen

These mysterious Viking chess pieces spent centuries hidden on a remote Scottish island.
London, England

Westland London

High-end antique collection housed in a centuries-old church.
London, England

The Four Mother Goddesses

One of the figures in this Celtic sculpture continues to puzzle archaeologists.
London, England

'A Conversation With Oscar Wilde'

An unusual ode to the late Irish playwright, complete with a squiggly bust and coffin-shaped bench.
London, England

Mary Anning's Plesiosaur

This marine reptile was discovered by one of the 19th century's greatest fossil hunters.