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Naples, Italy

MUSA Anatomy Museum

This Neapolitan exhibition hall grants weird and wonderful insight into the intricacies of human biology.
Lucca, Italy

The Incorruptible St. Zita

The naturally mummified body of a peasant girl saint.
Pavia, Italy

The Museums of the University of Pavia

A collection of collections, including an anatomy museum, the “Cabinet of Physics of Alessandro Volta, a museum of natural history, mineral collection, and much much more...
Pizzo, Italy

Chiesetta di Piedigrotta (Church of Piedigrotta)

This church carved into the rocks is full of enchanting stone statues.
Palestrina, Italy

Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia

The city of Palestrina was built around this magnificent terraced sanctuary dedicated to the pagan goddess Fortuna.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna Zoological Museum

This zoological museum began as the first great curiosity cabinet.
Castellana Grotte, Italy

Castellana Caves

The sunlight passing through the opening of this huge cave system creates a magical effect.
Acquapendente, Italy

Bosco del Sasseto

A magnificent Neogothic tomb hides within this Italian fairytale-like forest.
Naples, Italy

Anatomy Museum of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

An eerie, little-known Neapolitan museum filled with preserved human remains.
Province of Salerno, Italy

Valle delle Ferriere

Amalfi's pre-industrial history is slowly being engulfed by the lush vegetation of the Ferriere Valley.
Ischia di Castro, Italy

Eremo di Poggio Conte (Poggio Conte Hermitage)

A dreamlike medieval church dug into the tuff rock, with unusual carvings and possible traces of the Templar knights.
Soriano nel Cimino, Italy

Santa Cecilia Necropolis

A fascinating assortment of cave dwellings, medieval ruins, and sarcophagi are being devoured by the forest.
Lecce, Italy

Museo Faggiano

One man's quest to fix his toilet unearthed over 5,000 artifacts spanning more than 2,000 years of history.
Cesena, Italy

Biblioteca Malatestiana

A gorgeous medieval library where the books are kept in chains.
Ferentillo, Italy

Museum of the Mummies

Naturally preserved bodies are eerily staged throughout the crypt in varying poses.
Florence, Italy

Massimo Listri Foundation

An extraordinary house museum and cabinet of curiosities in the heart of Florence.

The Grotto Church of Saint Michael

A spiritual sanctuary in a natural cave.
Bologna, Italy

Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio

In the world's oldest university is a stunning 17th century anatomical theater carved from spruce.
Rome, Italy

The Sacconi Rossi Crypt

A burial vault located under Tiber Island in the middle of the Italian capital.
Innichen, Italy

Bagni Wildbad

Crumbling ruins of the thermal baths that once attracted royals and aristocrats from throughout Europe.
Muraglione, Italy

Pertosa Caves

Ride a boat through this magnificent underground world, which now doubles as a theater.
Padua, Italy

Padua Astronomical Clock

One of the world's oldest working clocks is curiously missing the Zodiac sign of Libra.
Urbania, Italy

Chiesa dei Morti (Church of the Dead)

Eighteen mummies have stood guard behind the altar of this tiny church since 1833.
Naples, Italy

Santa Maria delle Anime del Purgatorio ad Arco

The Neapolitan Cult of the Dead still cares for the skulls at this mini-Fontanelle.