cmhanson882001's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dolores, Colorado

Canyons of the Ancients

A breathtaking array of ancient Pueblo structures and artifacts counterintuitively preserved by neglect.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Hanging Lake

Crystal clear lake with a shoreline of travertine located in a Colorado canyon.
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."
San Francisco, California

Free Gold Watch

This print shop boasts one of the largest pinball arcades in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

The First Sea-Punk Mural

Art from the latest counter-culture; kids who dye their hair blue and believe the future will be a post-apocalyptic water world.
Los Angeles, California

'Remnal of a Senging Chave'

Behind legendary Meltdown Comics is a marker for an engineered musical roadway of the Tehachapi, the great road builders of Kcymaerxthaere.
Los Angeles, California

Wells Fargo History Museum

Hidden in one of the skyscrapers on Bunker Hill, this museum features an 1895 stagecoach and peers into California’s gold-lined history.
Los Angeles, California

My Brother's Bar-B-Q Cow

A cow in the road might subvert the flow of traffic but this one's above it all, quite literally.
Los Angeles, California

Youngwood Court

Iconic Los Angeles residence famous for its 19 statues of Michelangelo's David.
Los Angeles, California

Giant Scissors

Giant scissors seemingly stabbed into the side of a hair salon leave no question about the vocation of the owners.
Los Angeles, California

Dennis Hopper Mural

A tribute to long time Venice Beach resident, artist and actor Dennis Hopper.
Los Angeles, California

Danny's Deli

Authentic gondola hanging from the ceiling, notable mural in the back room.
Los Angeles, California

Synchronicity Space

An enchanted arts space which assumes infinite identities.
Los Angeles, California

Caine's Arcade

A 9 year-old boy’s elaborate cardboard arcade in his father’s used auto parts store.
Los Angeles, California

Marciano Art Foundation

A long-vacant Scottish Rite temple in Hollywood has been converted into an art museum filled with Masonic relics.
Los Angeles, California

Institute For Figuring

This hands-on math museum believes in turning concepts into constructs.
Los Angeles, California


The art and history of the velvet painting are on full display in this Los Angeles museum.
Los Angeles, California

Dearly Departed Museum

A macabre tour of Hollywood’s deadly history.
Los Angeles, California

Venice Beach Freakshow

The largest collection of two headed animals in the world.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles' Museum of Broken Relationships

Where the leftovers of love affairs can live on forever.
Los Angeles, California

Rustic Canyon's Murphy Ranch

World War II-era Nazi compound nestled in the Santa Monica hills.
Los Angeles, California

Chandelier Tree

Dozens of lights dangle from the branches of what may be the brightest tree in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Skeletons in the Closet

Gift shop offering toe tags and chalk body beach towels tucked into a coroner's office.
Los Angeles, California

Griffith J. Griffith Statue

Although he donated over 3,000 acres to Los Angles, Griffith's life was marred by controversy.