cmhanson882001's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

The Many Plaques of Buster Keaton Studios

The silent film master's legacy commemorated in all the right and wrong places.
Los Angeles, California

Declaration Sculpture

60 feet of towering steel balances gracefully.
Los Angeles, California

Kim Thai Food

Find regional specialties from the Thai-Laotian border inside in a North Hollywood swap meet's food court.
Los Angeles, California

Lady Liberty Building

A 50-foot tile mural mosaic for the 100-year anniversary of the Statue of Liberty.
Los Angeles, California

Crossroads of the World

A few iconic structures are all that remain of America’s first outdoor shopping mall.
Los Angeles, California

The Happy Foot/Sad Foot Sign

A cult following celebrates the legend that belies this curious podiatrists' office sign which has worked its way into song, literature, animation, and the visual arts.
Los Angeles, California

Kinney-Tabor House

A gift from Abbot Kinney and a little bit of piece of Black history in Venice Beach.
Los Angeles, California

The African American Fire Fighter Museum

Celebrating the accomplishments of Black firefighters in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California


A cake-themed art installation tucked away in historic Chinatown.
Los Angeles, California

Venice Beach Poet's Monument

The words of the neighborhood's most famous poets adorn four concrete walls.
Los Angeles, California

Vineyard Station Trolley Tragedy

A lovely summer day by the sea becomes a nightmare.
Los Angeles, California

Fort Macarthur Museum

A historic fort commemorating the United States' naval history.
Los Angeles, California

King George Hotel

Where a great scandal unfolded with a famous female revivalist at its center.
Los Angeles, California

Odd Fellows Cemetery

A Los Angeles cemetery that was once at the center of a Supreme Court dispute.
Los Angeles, California

The LAPD Kōban

Common all over Japan, kōbans are small community police boxes, and now one is guarding one of L.A.’s megamalls.
Calabasas, California

Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park

Pay your respects to departed pets, both celebrity and otherwise.
Los Angeles, California

Robinson's Liberty Bells

Large but largely ignored, these 42 life-size Liberty Bell replicas were a peculiar, unexplained feature on the facade of a Macy's department store.
Los Angeles, California

Metropolitan Pit Stop

This vintage car parts store is also a museum devoted to a squat little gem of automotive history.
Los Angeles, California

Cardiff Tower

This "synagogue" is not what it seems to be.
Los Angeles, California

Biddy Mason Memorial Park

A beautiful memorial tells the story of a formerly enslaved woman whose kindness shaped a burgeoning city.
Los Angeles, California

Autry National Center

Wild West history in Hollywood style.
Los Angeles, California

The Babylon Court

This centerpiece of the Hollywood & Highland shopping center is a recreation of a long-lost movie set.
Los Angeles, California

Richfield Tower's Art Deco Doors

Though the original building has been demolished, these massive bronze doors were saved.
Los Angeles, California

High Tower Elevator

Instead of hoofing it up steep stairs, residents can hitch a ride on this private lift.