cocron1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lucca, Italy
Places visited in Wien, Austria
Places visited in Gjirokaster, Albania
Places visited in Munich, Germany
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Luderitz, Namibia

Shark Island

This deceptively beautiful island was once home to a German concentration camp and known as "Death Island."

Tropic of Capricorn Crossing

Road signs in Namibia mark the location of one of the five major circles of latitude.
Sossusvlei, Namibia

Dead Vlei

This "dead marsh" sits among the largest sand dunes in the world, a forest frozen in time.
Garub, Namibia

Namib Desert Horses

Thought to be the only herd of feral horses in Africa and one of the most isolated populations in the world.

Kolmanskop Ghost Town

The remains of diamond fever taken over by the desert.
Vienna, Austria

Museumsquartier Passages

This series of Baroque passageways in Vienna's cultural center mix old architecture with modern art.
Vienna, Austria

Flak Towers

Giant WWII fortresses that fired 8,000 rounds a minute, now home to thousands of pigeons.
New York, New York

New York's Hidden Tropical Forest

A miniature rainforest is growing inside of a Midtown Manhattan office building.
Brooklyn, New York

Gage & Tollner

Brooklyn's most iconic restaurant, resurrected.
Brooklyn, New York

Torah Animal World

Every animal in the torah taxidermied and crammed into a Brooklyn townhouse.
New York, New York

Waldorf Astoria Archives

Long-forgotten artifacts give incredible insight into New York's most glamorous hotel.
Staten Island, New York

Historic Richmond Town

A town trapped in time - 1958 to be exact.
New York, New York

Giant Needle and Button

There must be a pun in this haystack somewhere...
Brooklyn, New York

Atlantic Avenue Tunnel

In the middle of downtown Brooklyn lies a 165 year old secret hidden right below the surface (closed to the public indefinitely).
New York, New York

The Peace Fountain at Cathedral of St. John the Divine

A curious fountain that has no water and includes Satan, a crab, and 9 giraffes.
New York, New York

Wall Street Bombing Scars

Unrepaired walls from a 1920 anarchist bomb attack.
Brooklyn, New York

David's Brisket House

A Jewish deli run by Yemeni Muslims in an Afro-Caribbean neighborhood is quintessential Brooklyn.
New York, New York

Grand Central Oyster Bar

This subterranean oyster house has been the pearl of Grand Central Station since 1913.
New York, New York

'Life Underground' Sculptures

An artist's cute bronze subway sculptures belie his violent artistic past.
Queens, New York

TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport

This futuristic airport terminal was abandoned for decades before reopening as a hotel—with a vintage plane of its own parked out back.
New York, New York

The Grolier Club

The oldest bibliophilia club in America, with exhibitions on historic books and graphic arts.
New York, New York

'The Sphere'

This sculpture by artist Fritz Keonig survived the 9/11 attacks and now stands as a monument to the victims.
New York, New York

P.S. 186

From scholastic to sepulchral - now under reconstruction.
Brooklyn, New York

Deno's Wonder Wheel

One of the most enjoyable bits of history at Coney Island and “the most romantic ride in the world.”