coffeeandmaps's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Kotor, Montenegro
Places visited in Haarlem, Netherlands
Places edited in Norwich, England
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Established in 1638 to battle the Black Death, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is a treasure trove of rare flora.
Lisse, Netherlands

Keukenhof Gardens

Unsurprisingly, Holland is home to one of the most magnificent flower gardens in the world.
Haarlem, Netherlands

Grote Kerk

This towering church is home to a world-famous organ and a treasure trove of medieval art.
Haarlem, Netherlands

Bloemen Route

The Bloemen Route, or “Flower Route”, stretches 25 miles through prime Dutch tulip country as a result of “tulip mania,” the world’s first economic bubble.
Haarlem, Netherlands

Teylers Museum

Oldest Museum of the Netherlands is a true cabinet of curiosities.
Utrecht, Netherlands

The UFO of Inktpot

Atop this former dutch railway office sits an interstellar work of art.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Central Station Bicycle Parking

The world's largest bicycle shelter can hold more than 12,500 two-wheelers.
Leiden, Netherlands

Burcht van Leiden

This 11th-century castle sits so low you can't see it behind the surrounding buildings.
Eindhoven, Netherlands


A UFO-shaped event building originally intended to be a science museum showcasing the future.
The Hague, Netherlands


The location of the world's first telescope demonstration.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Erasmus Statue

The oldest statue in the Netherlands has survived relocation, bombardment, and burial.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Het Wittehuis

The oldest skyscraper of Europe now stands dwarfed by the surrounding structures.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Hef

A bridge that has seen many reiterations over its lifetime.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Brandgrens (The Blaze Boundary)

These lights mark the area of Rotterdam that was bombed and burned in 1940.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Schouwburgplein Kinetic Lamp Posts

Four giant movable street lights decorate this modern Rotterdam square.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

New Ocean Paradise

A condensed piece of China floating in a Dutch harbor.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A nearly 25-foot concrete sculpture of Sylvette, Picasso's muse.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Schoonoord Historical Garden

An early 19th-century English style garden hidden in the Rotterdam cityscape.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Delftse Poort

A modern reimagining of a medieval city gate.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Luchtsingel

Built by crowdsourcing, this wooden foot bridge saved a part of Rotterdam that was languishing in wait of city funding.
Leiden, Netherlands

Victoria Amazonica

People have been placing babies on these lilies for photoshoots since the Victorian era.
Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden’s Wall Formulae

Science meets wall art to highlight the beauty of famous mathematical equations.
Leiden, Netherlands

Hortus Botanicus Leiden

A 'living museum' in Leiden, the oldest of its kind in the Netherlands.