coyotewaits's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Torun, Poland

Toruń Gingerbread Museum

Once a giant gingerbread factory, this space now hosts exhibits and workshops on the historic treat.
Seville, Spain

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

The final resting place of the great navigator, or maybe his brother.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Old Faithful Geyser

One of nature's most well-scheduled phenomenons resides in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park.
St. Joseph, Missouri

The Pony Express National Historic Trail and Museum

The fastest mail service in the west is tracked and memorialized along this 1,400 mile trail.
Pompeii, Italy

Thermopolia of Pompeii

Ancient snack bar of the Roman Empire re-opened.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
Taos, New Mexico

Taos Pueblo

A multi-storied adobe complex has been inhabited for more than a thousand years.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado

Cadet Chapel

Air Force Academy Chapel made of 100 identical tetrahedrons works to inspire those of all religions.
Alberobello, Italy


Southern Italy's spinning top village.
Sparta, Tennessee

Virgin Falls Pocket Wilderness

Visit this playground of waterfalls, caves and sinkholes.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Dachau, Germany

Dachau Concentration Camp

The prototype for all Nazi concentration camps.
Memphis, Tennessee

National Civil Rights Museum

The hotel where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot is now a museum dedicated to his work.
Collinsville, Illinois

Cahokia Mounds

Once one of the world's great cities, Cahokia was a place of religious worship, trade and mass human sacrifice before being mysteriously abandoned.
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Thingstatte

This Nazi-built amphitheater was constructed on a sacred mountain site used by various German cults.
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Mammoth Cave

The world's longest known cave system.
Athens, Greece

The Athenian Agora

This ancient Greek place of assembly and marketplace is being revealed layer by layer below the modern Athens cityscape.
Santa Monica, California

Route 66 End of the Trail Sign

A sign at the end of the Santa Monica Pier marks the traditional end of the legendary American highway.
Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

A sculpture made of 10 Cadillacs as a monument to the "Golden Age" of the American automobile.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Lookout Mountain, Georgia

Rock City

A bizarre roadside attraction and the first instance of miniature golf in the world.
Bloomington, Minnesota

The Mall of America

Equal parts record-breaking temple to consumerism and bizarre fun park, it's more than you think it is...
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mesa Verde National Park

The ancient dwellings of the Puebloans, located in the cliffs of majestic mesas.
Los Angeles, California

Muscle Beach

An historic and oft-filmed spot for musclebound iron pumpers on the Pacific coast.