craigmcdnbhotmailcom's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Goffstown, New Hampshire

Goffstown Giant Pumpkin Regatta

Row, row, row your pumpkin quickly down the stream.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Earth Eagle Brewings

One of the few brewers in the U.S. experimenting with hop-free beers.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

The Basin

Even Henry David Thoreau found this glacial pothole irresistible.
Hancock, Maine

Old Pond Railway Trail

Walk the same tracks that once ferried Gilded Age aristocrats to their vacation destinations.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.
Saint John, New Brunswick

Partridge Island Quarantine Site

A complicated, forgotten beacon of hope for thousands of immigrants, "Canada's Emerald Isle" lies in ruin.
Lubec, Maine

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse

This candy-striped tower is the farthest east you can go in the United States.
Lubec, Maine

McCurdy Smokehouse

This waterfront museum in Maine is dedicated to the history of the smoked-herring trade.
Perry, Maine

The Oldest 45th Parallel Marker in the U.S.

A roadside park in eastern Maine first marked the halfway point between the equator and North Pole with a brass pin in 1896.
Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick

Hopewell Rocks

Iconic rock formations that allow for exploration during high or low tide.
Bangor, Maine

Hannibal Hamlin Death Couch

Abraham Lincoln's vice president took his last breath here on July 4, 1891.