cryptidcache's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Downieville, California

Craycroft Building

Downieville's largest Gold Rush structure still standing has one of the longest bars in California.
Rumford, Maine

Grand Derangement Memorial

Plaque remembering the 18th century forced relocation of Acadians.
Brooklyn, New York

12 Dead From Bad Moonshine

What’s a sure fire way to end up in jail in New York in the 1920s? Peddling bad moonshine.
Milton, Delaware

Dressed John Milton Statue

A statue of the English poet for whom this Delaware town is named is ritually dressed in seasonally appropriate clothing.
Traverse City, Michigan

Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park Fairy Trail

This enchanting forest trail leads to ethereal abodes and a giant bird's nest.
Bethesda, Maryland

Madonna of the Trail

She stares out across six lanes of traffic, clutching a musket and infant with determination.
Mountain View, California

The Real Birthplace of Silicon Valley-The Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory

The first high-tech company in the valley that actually worked with silicon devices.
Grand Junction, Tennessee

National Bird Dog Museum

An homage to the pointers and retrievers that have long been a hunter's best friend.
Wilson, Kansas

Old Tobias Water Tower and Jail

This tiny old water tower once doubled as a makeshift jail.
Lafayette, California

The Crosses of Lafayette

Thousands of crosses and markers for soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan blanket a California hillside.
Dover, Delaware

Golden Fleece Tavern Site

In 1787, a group of delegates met at this very spot to drink, be merry, and ratify the Constitution of the United States.
Brooklyn, New York

The First Home in Greenpoint

Where Greenpoint's first European settler—and troublemaker—made his home.
Malibu, California

California Coastal Records Project

View the California coastline (and the home of Barbara Streisand) inch by inch with stunning, government-sanctioned aerial photography.
Anchorage, Alaska

Alaska Resources Library and Information Services

This Alaska library may be the only one in the country that allows you to check out pieces of taxidermy.
College Township, Pennsylvania

The Armsby Calorimeter

This 19th century machine put animals (including humans) in boxes to study how they metabolized calories.
Pomeroy, Ohio

Kerr’s Run Colored School

This schoolhouse for Black American children is one of the oldest remaining in southeastern Ohio.
Queens, New York

Flushing Town Hall

This landmark building is now a vibrant performing arts space with musical acts from around the world.
Toppenish, Washington

Toppenish Murals

Over 75 historically themed murals grace the walls of a small Washington city.
Fishtail, Montana

Tippet Rise Art Center

A working ranch doubles as a sustainable hub for world-renowned classical music and large-scale sculptures.
Gateway, Colorado

Unaweep Canyon

Two creeks flow out of either end of this canyon in opposite directions.
Port Arthur, Texas

Museum of the Gulf Coast

Hidden within a Gulf Coast port city is a wonderfully eclectic museum whose beginnings were housed in a bank window.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Hitchcock Ichnological Cabinet

This exhibit is one of the largest and most well-preserved collections of Jurassic-era trackways in the United States.
Topeka, Kansas

Grave of Carrie Frances Kiene

A mysterious local has been dressing the child's grave for decades.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Van Gelder Studio

Hundreds of iconic jazz records were made in this church-like space.