csburns's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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csburns's activity rankings
Places visited in Heraklion, Greece
Places visited in Amboy, California
Places visited in Carson City, Nevada
Places visited in Washoe County, Nevada
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Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Arlington, Virginia

Ronald Reagan National Airport's Historic Terminal A

The romance of early commercial flight still fills this Art Deco destination.
Portland, Oregon

Hollywood Theater

At this airport "microcinema," you can catch a film before you catch a flight.
San Francisco, California

Hang Ah Tea Room

The oldest dim sum restaurant in the United States is a nostalgic jewel.
Cabazon, California

Cabazon Dinosaurs

The "world's biggest dinosaur" once housed a creationist museum in its abdomen.
Fallon, Nevada

Salt Cave

Red ocher pictographs survive in this tufa rock shelter on the shore of an ancient lake.
Carson City, Nevada

Nevada State Museum

The museum is housed inside the historic 1863 Carson City Mint.
Virginia City, Nevada

The Washoe Club Haunted Museum & Saloon

What once housed a private club catering to Comstock Lode elite is now considered one of the West’s most haunted spaces.
Tonopah, Nevada

Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project

This massive solar generating facility in the Nevada desert has been plagued by difficulties.
Carson City, Nevada

Virginia City Flume

Ruins of the original wooden flume that carried water to Virginia City are still visible high on the Virginia Range.
Reno, Nevada

Space Whale

What began as a prominent Burning Man art piece is now an iconic symbol of downtown Reno.
Reno, Nevada

Guardian of Eden

This 18-foot-tall steel lotus is a meditation on ecological crisis that originally appeared at Burning Man.
Virginia City, Nevada

Gold Hill Hotel

The oldest hotel in Nevada.
Reno, Nevada

Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts

An iconic 1960s theater with a Buckminster Fuller-style geodesic dome.
Virginia City, Nevada

Red Dog Saloon

A Wild West saloon that helped define a generation of psychedelic rock.
Reno, Nevada

Topsy the Clown

This beloved roadside attraction welcomes visitors with his signature neon smile.
Virginia City, Nevada

Piper's Opera House

Back in the day everyone who was anyone played this historic western theater.
Boulder City, Nevada

Hoover Dam Geodetic Survey Markers

These markers are used to document elevation changes around the famed dam.
Boulder City, Nevada

Winged Figures of the Republic

A Norwegian-born sculptor created these soaring guardian angels at the entrance to Hoover Dam.
Fallon, Nevada

Hidden Cave at Grimes Point

This cave was hidden for thousands of years, storing the worldly goods of ancient Native Americans.
Fallon, Nevada

Sand Mountain

Singing sand that stands as the final remains of an ancient lake.
Tonopah, Nevada

The Mizpah Hotel

In the middle of a remote desert town is a surprisingly opulent hotel.
Washoe County, Nevada

Bonsai Rock, Lake Tahoe

Eastern zen meets Western grit in these four little trees growing out of a rock on Lake Tahoe’s Nevada shore.
Tonopah, Nevada

Old Tonopah Cemetery

There's nothing creepier than a cemetery next to a clown motel.