Daja's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tatev, Armenia
Places added to Tatev, Armenia
Places visited in Byurakan, Armenia
Places visited in Radovljica, Slovenia
Places visited in Armenia
Places visited in Imola, Italy
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Vienna, Austria

Gasometer Town

Apartment complexes built into huge repurposed natural gas tanks.
Prague, Czechia

Dripstone Wall

Countless grotesque faces stare out from this eerie Prague art wall.
Prague, Czechia

Lennon Wall

Despite attempts by local police to discourage it, Beatles-inspired graffiti has been a means for artists to air grievances for decades.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Metronome

Steadily reminding Czechia of its past.
Prague, Czechia


This automated sculpture of two men peeing will spell out text messages with their micturition.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Prague, Czechia

Man Hanging Out

What looks like a suicide in progress is actually a statue of Sigmund Freud.
Prague, Czechia

Sex Machines Museum

The first museum in the world devoted to sexual gadgetry.
Prague, Czechia

Batalion Comic Book Museum and Club

This bar and museum are devoted to the controversial comic book work of Kája Saudek.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Argolis, Greece


This legendary city has been a tourist attraction for centuries.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.
Kayadere, Turkey

Nemrut Dagi

Mausoleum and Holy Seat of Antiochus I of Commagene.
Aksaray, Turkey


In this historic region, homes and churches are carved into ancient volcanic rock formations.
Zadar, Croatia

Sea Organ

A musical instrument played by the sea.
Souda, Greece

Suda Bay War Cemetery

1,500 Commonwealth servicemen of World War II are buried or commemorated in this cemetery.
Heraklion, Greece


A minotaur, a labyrinth, and a dubious restoration pull in visitors from around the world.
Heraklion, Greece

Phaistos Disc

This famous archeological mystery may be an ancient example of movable type.
Qrendi, Malta


This Stone Age solar temple aligns with the sun on each equinox and solstice.
San Lawrenz, Malta

The Azure Window and the Blue Hole

Two geological phenomena in one precarious locale: a towering stone window, and a deep blue void.
Munich, Germany


Among the ostentatious rococo ornamentation of this church, an image of death cuts the life-thread.
Munich, Germany

Filmtheater Sendlinger Tor

This century-old cinema house has a marquee that has been hand painted by a single man for over 25 years.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Nottingham, England

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

The oldest inn in England served brew to the crusaders.