zombiemuffins's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Banff, Alberta

Grizzly House

Try the alligator at this fondue spot, which has been catering to "lovers and hedonists" since 1967.
Cibola County, New Mexico

Budville Trading Post

In 1967, murder and mayhem disrupted the tranquility along this quiet stretch of Old Route 66.
Grants, New Mexico

Ice Cave and Bandera Volcano

A frozen oasis lies beneath the scorching New Mexico desert.
Cabins, West Virginia

Smoke Hole Caverns

Spectacular mineral formations fill these caves, which have been used for everything from smoking meat to stashing illicit liquor.
Margate, England

Margate Caves

This forgotten chalk mine was reopened thanks to a massive effort from the local community.
Birchington-on-Sea, England

Powell-Cotton Dioramas

An English explorer's vast natural history collection has the first realistic dioramas of animals staged in their natural habitats.
Jackson, Wyoming

National Museum of Wildlife Art

One of the largest collections of wildlife art in the United States, built into the side of a cliff in rural Wyoming.
Green River, Utah

Goblin Valley State Park

Bizarre lunar-like landscape with thousands of large stone "hoodoos."
Hanksville, Utah

Carl's Critter Garden

This outsider art paradise is filled with dinosaur sculptures crafted from recycled machinery.
Torrey, Utah

Factory Butte

A striking, menacing sandstone peak towering above a landscape that's equal parts Mordor and the Moon.
Richfield, Utah

Pando, the Trembling Giant

One of the world's oldest and most massive living organisms is a grove of quaking aspens.
Sirjan, Iran

Stone Garden

Hundreds of stones dangle from barren trees in the middle of the desert.
Nelsonville, Ohio

Nelsonville Brick Park

This park pays homage to the region's rich industrial history of brick making.
Logan, Ohio

The Caves of Hocking Hills State Park

Rare recess caves fill this unbelievably beautiful Ohio park.
Page, Arizona

Antelope Canyon

Most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest.
Creede, Colorado

Wheeler Geologic Area

This once-popular otherworldly landscape was formed by one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history.
Palm Coast, Florida

The Rocks - Washington Oaks State Park

A secret, rocky playground hidden amongst the plain white beaches of the Florida coast.
Bunnell, Florida

The Old Brick Road

Part of a highway network meant to connect Miami to Montreal, this 10-mile stretch of road made from red bricks is still around 100 years later.
Memphis, Tennessee

Elmwood Cemetery

Mass graves and Victorian monuments mark the history of Memphis in this 19th century cemetery.
Richmond, Virginia

Hollywood Cemetery

The final resting place of two (or three) presidents, one vampire, and 18,000 Confederate soldiers.
Louisville, Kentucky

Cave Hill Cemetery

The largest cemetery in Louisville is the final resting place of Col. Sanders and Muhammad Ali.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Spring Grove Cemetery

This magnificent Cincinnati graveyard is also a popular public park.
Rochester, New York

Mount Hope Cemetery

An antique cemetery in New York, this land is home to any number of famed corpses.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Laurel Hill Cemetery

This Philly cemetery is the eternal home of many famous area residents, including Rocky Balboa's wife.