ddmckenna's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Pooh's House

This tiny, painted door at the base of a tree stump has been a fixture of the Harvard University campus for decades.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Museum of Natural History

Three prestigious academic collections come together to create a world-class natural history museum.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Blaschka Glass Flowers

Impossibly life-like natural history models created out of glass by a father and son.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Earth Eagle Brewings

One of the few brewers in the U.S. experimenting with hop-free beers.
Springfield, Massachusetts

Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden

Life-size bronzes of the Grinch, Cat in the Hat, Yertle the Turtle, Sam-I-Am, and the Lorax—and the author himself.
Manchester, New Hampshire

Cat Alley

One New Hampshire alleyway has become home to a public gallery of feline art.
Brookline, New Hampshire

Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture Garden

Around 100 sculptures from artists all over the world decorate the hiking trails surrounding this locale.
Burlington, Vermont

Burled Forest

A forest wonderland caused by Burlington, Vermont's aggressive southwestern winds.
Burlington, Vermont

Flying Monkey Sculptures

Scary metal statues adorn some of the signature buildings of Burlington, VT.
Montpelier, Vermont

Green Mount Cemetery

Beautiful hillside Vermont cemetery with amazing funerary art.
Corinth, Vermont

East Corinth

The quaint little Vermont town played a quaint little Connecticut town in Tim Burton's "Beetlejuice."
Greenfield, New Hampshire

Yankee Siege Trebuchet

This modern medieval weapon of war was built to toss pumpkins.
Lenox, Massachusetts

The Mount

The mansion home of author Edith Wharton.
Williamstown, Vermont

Knight's Spider Web Farm

The "original web site," this farm in Northern Vermont encourages orb-weaver spiders to build their daily webs, and then sells the preserved masterpieces.
Thetford, Vermont


This folk art dinosaur was almost pushed to extinction due to lack of a building permit.
Schoharie, New York

Site of the First Known Free Open-Air Motion Picture Presentation

A tiny village in Upstate New York ushered in the precursor to drive-in movies.
Greenfield, Massachusetts

Poet's Seat Tower

This tall Massachusetts folly got its name thanks to all of the purple prose its vistas inspired.
Lewis, New York

Inez Milholland's Grave

A feminist who put a pretty face on suffrage when she rode a horse through the Capitol.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Bridge of Flowers

An old trolley bridge was converted into a breathtaking garden bursting with colorful flowers.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Glacial Potholes

Over 50 whirling pools left behind from the glacial age.
Keene Valley, New York

Lake Tear of the Clouds

Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “midnight ride to the presidency" started at this small lake high up in the Adirondacks.
Newcomb, New York


An old abandoned mining town in The Adirondacks where Theodore Roosevelt first learned of the shooting of President William McKinley.
Lake George, New York

Lake George Mystery Spot

A mysterious echo seems to defy the laws of acoustics.
Lake George, New York

Bloody Pond

This lovely little pond is named after the hundreds of soldiers' corpses that were rolled into the waters during the French-Indian War.