DeniseWasHere's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bear Creek, North Carolina

Devil's Tramping Ground

A 120-year-old legend concerning an empty circular patch in the North Carolina woods.
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Blue Ghost Fireflies

These eerie outliers of the lightning bug family glow a mysterious blue color.
Cullowhee, North Carolina

Judaculla Rock

Mysterious ancient boulder carved with petroglyphs in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
Rougemont, North Carolina

Castle Mont Rouge

A sculptor's dream castle turned fantastical ruin.
Hildebran, North Carolina

Abandoned Henry River Mill Village

An abandoned village that doubled as "The Hunger Games"' post-apocalyptic wasteland is up for grabs.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky

This woodland architectural installation acts as a camera obscura for the heavens.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston History Dioramas

Painstakingly built dioramas sit unnoticed in a Boston office building.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Presidential Pets Museum

The "first cat," "first dog," and even a presidential pygmy hippo all get their due in this museum.
Alexandria, Virginia

Hollensbury Spite House

The narrowest house in America is seven feet of pure spite.
Herndon, Virginia

Kidwell Farm

Where pardoned turkeys once spent their all-too-brief final days.
Smithfield, Virginia

World’s Oldest Edible Ham

The nearly 120-year-old piece of pork wears a brass collar and was once a man's "pet ham."
Quicksburg, Virginia

American Celebration on Parade

An enormous warehouse filled with parade floats collected from over 50 years of patriotic celebrations.
Arlington, Virginia

Dark Star Park

This unique historical monument features large concrete spheres designed to resemble fallen stars.
Lexington, Virginia

The Coffee Pot

The oddly shaped, steam-spewing building is now an art studio and gallery.
Gordonsville, Virginia

Gordonsville Fried Chicken Festival

This Virginia town has been famous for its fried chicken since the 19th century.
Marion, Virginia

The Octagon House

An eight-sided home built during a brief octagon craze in the 1850s.
Norfolk, Virginia

Doumar's Barbecue

This old-fashioned carhop restaurant gave the world the waffle cone.
Oaks, Pennsylvania

World's Largest Slinky

Once on display alongside a giant Gumby, it’s as tall as a nine-story building when fully extended.
Jefferson, Virginia

Stoney Point Railroad

Hop on the train and tour an elaborate miniature town made completely of junk (including the train).
Roanoke, Virginia

Miniature Graceland

An overgrown collection of miniature buildings still stand as evidence of one couple's obsession with The King.
Winchester, Virginia

Patsy Cline's Childhood Home and Grave

The Grand Ole Opry's big voice came from a small home in rural Virginia where she was eventually buried.
Richmond, Virginia

The Markel Building

Inspired by a foil-wrapped potato, (seriously) the Markel Building has been deemed one of the 10 ugliest buildings in the world.
Dayton, Virginia

Mole Hill

One of the last active volcanoes on the Eastern seaboard.
Arlington, Virginia

Rosslyn Metro Escalator

At 207 feet, one of the world's longest continuous escalators.