devonbodde's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Golden, Colorado

The Sculptured House

This iconic science fiction house still looks like something from the future.
Greenfield, Massachusetts

Eunice Williams Covered Bridge

Where Eunice Williams was murdered by natives, and where locals say her ghost still haunts.
Princeton, Massachusetts

Redemption Rock

This massive boulder is inscribed with the story of a sensational hostage negotiation dating back to Colonial times.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Metropolitan State Hospital (MSH)

Once the largest public hospital for the mentally ill was also surrounded by controversy.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mount Auburn Cemetery

This peaceful Massachusetts graveyard was one of the first "garden-style" cemeteries in America.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Earl of Sandwich

A men’s restroom became a sandwich shop.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

Founded by the famed children's book artist, this museum spreads an appreciation of the arts through picture books.
Newton, Massachusetts

Star Market

This supermarket is suspended 25 feet above an interstate highway.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Henry Street Salamander Tunnels

One of the first amphibian migration tunnels in the United States encourages a tradition that has inspired Amherst residents for decades.
Holyoke, Massachusetts

Eyrie House Ruins

The walkable ruins of an 19th century hotel, destroyed in a horse cremation gone wrong.
North Adams, Massachusetts

Hoosac Tunnel

The railroad tunnel nicknamed the "Bloody Pit" for taking the lives of hundreds during its construction.
North Adams, Massachusetts

Harmonic Bridge

Resonating tubes make music from highway overpass.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Hitchcock Ichnological Cabinet

This exhibit is one of the largest and most well-preserved collections of Jurassic-era trackways in the United States.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Stearns Steeple

The monumental steeple on Amherst College's campus has no church attached to it.
Barre, Massachusetts

Naramore Grave

Surrounded by lonely toys, this Massachusetts gravestone marks the final resting place of six children who were murdered by poverty.
Rutland, Massachusetts

Rutland Prison Camp

The ruins of a Massachusetts prison farm can still be found crumbling the woods of a state park.
Leverett, Massachusetts

New England Peace Pagoda

This rare symbol of Eastern philosophy in the West has been created over years of painstaking construction by the local community.
West Brookfield, Massachusetts

Rock House Reservation

A rock outcropping left by a glacier that made itself useful throughout the centuries.
Belchertown, Massachusetts

Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded

This decrepit abandoned building is made all the more eerie by its dark history.
Ware, Massachusetts

Quabbin Reservoir

The largest body of water in Massachusetts annihilated four small towns just to slake Boston's thirst.
Petersham, Massachusetts

Town of Dana

All that remains of this Massachusetts town, demolished in the name of progress, is a stone marker.