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Athens, Greece

The Athenian Agora

This ancient Greek place of assembly and marketplace is being revealed layer by layer below the modern Athens cityscape.
Segovia, Spain

Segovia Aqueduct

One of the few remaining ancient aqueducts described by Frontinus as 'the most solemn testimony of the Empire.'
Segovia, Spain

The Selfie Devil

A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.
Segovia, Spain

Allegory of 'The Tree of Life'

A curious memento mori hangs in the magnificent Cathedral of Segovia.
Segovia, Spain

Alcázar de Segovia

This magnificent castle grew from a small Moorish fortress, and reportedly inspired two iconic Disney castles.
Athens, Greece

Syntagma Square Metro Station

Where commuters walk through remnants of an ancient Greek necropolis.
Athens, Greece

Panathenaic Stadium Passage

Gladiators once walked this ancient, subterranean passage.
Athens, Greece

Old Madrasa of Athens

The ruined doorway is a portal to the building's turbulent and torturous past.
Athens, Greece

Tower of the Winds

An ancient octagonal weather station named for the eight Greek gods of wind.
Athens, Greece

Tzistarakis Mosque

Legend says it was constructed with the destroyed pillar of an ancient Greek Temple.
Rome, Italy

Santa Maria della Concezione Crypts

The crypts of Capuchin friars decorated with the bones of over 4,000 friars, including an entire "crypt of pelvises."
Rome, Italy

Casa Romuli

These hut foundations are believed to be the residence of Romulus, founder of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Fontana dell'Acqua Felice

A monumental fountain in Rome features a large statue of Moses that has been criticized for centuries.
Barcelona, Spain

Bunkers of Carmel

These secluded and abandoned anti-aircraft defenses have become one the most scenic viewpoints in Barcelona.
Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada Família

Construction of Barcelona's iconic (but controversial) church is expected to be completed in 2026—a century after the death of its architect.
Barcelona, Spain

Chocolate Museum

Gaze upon chocolate sculptures depicting everything from chariot races to Gaudí's famous church at this shrine to sweets.
Madrid, Spain

Templo de Debod

An ancient Egyptian temple in the middle of Madrid, Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Cuesta de Moyano

A haven for book enthusiasts across the street from Retiro Park.
Madrid, Spain

Kilometre Zero

A stone slab in Madrid marks the point from which the distances of Spain's national roads are measured.
Madrid, Spain

El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry Tree)

This sweet-toothed bear searching for snacks has been a symbol of Madrid for decades.
Punta Gorda, Florida

End of the Line Mural

This outdoor mural is one stop on a walking trail that weaves art and history together to tell a tale of local history.
Rimrock, Arizona

Montezuma Well

This sinkhole in the Arizona desert is filled with carbonated, arsenic-rich water
Virginia City, Nevada

Ponderosa Saloon

Beneath a Virginia City bar is the entrance to an abandoned gold mine.
Kupari, Croatia

The Abandoned Hotels of Kupari

The now-overgrown beach resort was once frequented by Yugoslav military elite.