Dr Leia's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in North Carolina
Places visited in Rock Hill, South Carolina
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Robbinsville, North Carolina

Cheoah Dam

A historic dam made famous for its turbines and feature in a Hollywood classic.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fox & Son Fair Foods

Find your state fair food favorites all year long.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philbert the Pig

This beloved marketplace mascot poops money and grants good luck.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Camac Street

The last of Philadelphia's wood-paved streets is now a landmark of terrible engineering.
Knoxville, Tennessee

Rubik’s Cube

The world's largest version of this iconic puzzle cube is located in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Gainesville, Florida

'Some Were Quite Blind'

Four metal statues of massive animal penises stand outside the university's Animal Sciences building.
Gainesville, Florida

University of Florida Bat Houses

The world's largest occupied bat houses hold hundreds of thousands of flying mammals.
Gainesville, Florida

34th Street Graffiti Wall

Though illegal, city officials have made an exception for this work of art.
Tampa, Florida

Parque Amigos de Jose Marti

A tiny, unassuming park in Tampa that belongs to the Republic of Cuba.
Tampa, Florida

Mary Hadfield Watt Memorial

A seemingly inexplicable memorial honors a beloved Tampa fruit-seller.
Tampa, Florida

Tampa Theatre

One of the last of the great 1920s movie palaces is a Floridian Greco-Spanish-Persian dreamscape.
Tampa, Florida

Henry B. Plant Museum

Step back into the glory days of Florida's nascent tourism industry at this Gilded Age palace.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hatch Show Print

At 135 years old and counting, this historic print shop is heaven for poster nerds and music buffs.
Nashville, Tennessee

Downtown Presbyterian Church

Victorian-era Egyptomania left its mark on this Nashville landmark.
Nashville, Tennessee

Ryman Alley

The alley connecting two of country music’s most historic venues has a rich history of its own.
Nashville, Tennessee

Peace Sign Geoglyph

A heartwarming message to those entering and departing Music City from above.
Urbana, Illinois

John Milton Gregory's Grave

The inconspicuous grave of the University of Illinois' first president is just steps from the main quadrangle.
Corbin, Kentucky

Harland Sanders Cafe and Museum

The first KFC is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Tokyo, Japan

Ekibenya Matsuri

A railway station takeout shop sells boxed meals in containers shaped like trains and snowmen that hold the country’s abundant regional delicacies.
Tokyo, Japan

Ningyocho Mechanical Clock Towers

When this clock strikes a certain time, puppets showcase a story of life in Edo Japan.
Los Angeles, California

Urban Light

Scores of vintage street lamps shine along L.A.’s Miracle Mile.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood's most famous landmark, the "temporary" sign that has stood for decades longer than intended.
Los Angeles, California

Reggie The Alligator

Raised illegally, Reggie now lives at the Los Angeles Zoo after authorities spent years tracking him down.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

'We the Youth'

South Philadelphia is home to Keith Haring's only surviving in situ collaborative public mural.