drivera314's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sparks Shot Tower

One of the oldest of its kind.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Science History Institute

Instruments, apparatus, and rare books all relating to chemistry and its related sciences.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Shrine of Saint John Neumann

The body of St. John Neumann and his collection of hundreds of relics, on display in a Philly church.
New Hope, Pennsylvania

Van Sant Crybaby Bridge

A historic covered bridge is but one example of an oddly prevalent American urban legend.
New Hope, Pennsylvania

Bowman's Hill Tower

This stone tower marks a lookout point over the historic Washington Crossing, and maybe some buried treasure.
Egg Harbor City, New Jersey

Batsto Village

This historic iron-working village is now a ghost town so immaculate that it looks as though it was recently built.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Frankford Avenue Bridge

Erected in 1697 this Philadelphia bridge is the oldest surviving roadway bridge and perhaps the oldest stone bridge in the United States.
Holmdel, New Jersey

Holmdel Horn Antenna

Where the embers of the Big Bang were first detected.
Princeton, New Jersey

Laurence Hutton Collection of Life and Death Masks

One man's lifelong obsession with death.
Tabernacle, New Jersey

Emilio Carranza Memorial

Rising out of a clearing in New Jersey's Pine Barrens is an Aztec-inspired monument to the "Lindbergh of Mexico."
Farmingdale, New Jersey

Land of the Lost

Creaky dinosaurs grow in the backroads of Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Lacey Township, New Jersey

Popcorn Park Zoo

A unusual sanctuary for abused and exotic animals in South Jersey.
Lakehurst, New Jersey

Hindenburg Crash Site

The site of one of history's most indelible and horrific tragedies.
Washington, D.C.

Watergate Steps

Decades before the scandal, this staircase on the river was a literal "water gate."
Matera, Italy

The Crypt of the Original Sin

A cave in southern Italy adorned with thousand-year-old Biblical frescoes existed in obscurity until fairly recently.
Washington, D.C.

Site of the Knickerbocker Disaster

You could be standing at the site of one of D.C.'s most fatal tragedies and not even know it.
Washington, D.C.

Rockefeller Mansion in Rock Creek Park

This leafy estate is worth $18 million and is so grand it has two mailing addresses.
Washington, D.C.

Albert Einstein Bronze Statue

The beloved statue at the National Academy of Sciences is oh so inviting to sit on.
Washington, D.C.

Riggs Library

A wondrous old library overlooking the nation's capital.
Washington, D.C.

Treasury Department Cash Vault

Where the U.S. government kept its actual treasure, before Fort Knox.
Washington, D.C.

United Brick Corporation Ruins

Once the supplier for noteworthy projects like the National Cathedral, this old brickworks now lies abandoned.
Washington, D.C.

Frederick Douglass's House, Cedar Hill

The famous abolitionist’s preserved estate is one of Washington's finest monuments to its great Black citizens.
Washington, D.C.

Godey Lime Kilns

A historic ruin just 20 feet away from a busy highway onramp.
Washington, D.C.

Titanic Memorial

This lonely waterfront memorial to the men of the Titanic was erected by the "Women of America."