lucbonachera's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Vienna, Austria

Otto Wagner Villa I (Ernst Fuchs Museum)

This grand manse has been transformed into a museum devoted to one of the founders of Fantastic Realism.
Vienna, Austria

Wotruba Church

This cubist Vienna church building looks like some sort of alien stonehenge.
Perca, Italy

Earth Pyramids of Platten

These delicate sand pyramids look like naturally occurring gothic spires.
Innichen, Italy

Bagni Wildbad

Crumbling ruins of the thermal baths that once attracted royals and aristocrats from throughout Europe.
Al Haouz, Morocco

Tin Mal Mosque

The remains of a magnificent medieval fortress that was the capital of a vast empire.
Telouet, Morocco

Kasbah Telouet

A mud brick kasbah with a history of lavishness and traitorship.
Province de Ouarzazate, Morocco

'The Hills Have Eyes' Gas Station

An abandoned horror film set sits eerily along a highway through Hollywood's "door to the desert."
Aït Ben Haddou, Morocco

Kasbah Aït Benhaddou

A fortified city, home to a remaining population of five families
Ouzoud, Morocco

Ouzoud Falls

One of the tallest waterfalls in Africa is also home to a population of monkeys who enjoy the waters and the occasional guest.
Province de Tinghir, Morocco

Todra Gorge

One of the most spectacular canyons in the world.
Merzouga, Morocco

Erg Chebbi

God's Saharan sandbox of wrath.
Province de Zagora, Morocco

Erg Chigaga

Exploring the wilder, more passionate sibling of Erg Chebbi feels like discovering a secret sun-kissed planet from another galaxy.
Ouarzazate, Morocco

Atlas Film Studios

World's largest film studio, where visitors tour the decaying sets that litter the harsh desert environment.
North Macedonia

Little Pioneers Youth Camp

An abandoned resort in North Macedonia is a relic from the Communist Party of Yugoslavia.
Kotor, Montenegro

Fortifications of Kotor

These historic defenses ensured the city within would survive hundreds of years of occupations, sieges, and invasions.
Tirana, Albania

Pyramid of Tirana

An Albanian monument to the Communism that nearly crushed the country is now a crumbling wreck.
Tirana, Albania

Communist-Era Statues

Bronzes and busts that once stood in the city's main squares are now relegated to a small hidden courtyard.
Krusevo, North Macedonia

The Kruševo Makedonium

Space-age monument to an early 20th-century uprising.
Maulburg, Germany

Knickebein #12

Obscured within a ring of trees, this abandoned World War II relic hides on a German hillside.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

WaldMenschen Sculpture Trail

A series of haunting wooden totems are hidden in the woods surrounding a German environmental center.
Oppenau, Germany

Kloster Allerheiligen

This ancient ruined monastery has been destroyed by fire so many times that it seems like God hates it.