writemealetterlauren's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Annapolis, Maryland

Banneker-Douglass Museum

A Maryland museum dedicated to Black history, housed in a historic church.
Berlin, Maryland

The Mermaid Museum

Explore the legends surrounding these mythical sea creatures inside this museum.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bayernhof Music Museum

This eccentric mansion museum holds a impressive collection of rare and automatic instruments.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Murals of Maxo Vanka

Long hidden under grime, the politically radical murals of a little known Yugoslavian master are finally getting their due.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh's Snoopy Doghouse

Despite being stolen multiple times, this civic electrician's street corner Snoopy won't be stopped.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Zenith

This restaurant offers a side of antiques, curios, and a bathroom chock full of owls.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Photo Antiquities Museum

Its vintage camera collection gives a snapshot of the past as viewed through a photographic lens.
Madison, Wisconsin

John Muir's Alarm Clock Desk

Before he was America’s most famous preservationist, John Muir was an ingenious mechanical inventor.
Madison, Wisconsin

L.R. Ingersoll Physics Museum

A hundred-year-old museum filled with giant physics toys and experiments designed by grad students.
Barrington, Illinois

Place de la Musique

With 8,000 pipes this giant instrument is the most versatile theatre pipe organ ever built.
Yorklyn, Pennsylvania

Haines Shoe House

An outlandish shoe shaped house built by an eccentric millionaire.
Monkton, Maryland

Ladew Topiary Gardens

This English-inspired Maryland garden is home to acres of opulent plant life including bushes shaped into an entire fox hunt.
Ellicott City, Maryland

Enchanted Forest Theme Park

Remnants of a storybook amusement park hidden behind a strip mall.
Linthicum Heights, Maryland

Urology Museum

Fascinating museum dedicated to the under-appreciated medical history of urology features some wince-inducing devices.
Baltimore, Maryland

The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum

Meet some of the most prominent figures in Black history through life-sized wax models.
Tucson, Arizona

Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures

Miniature art that tells an enormous story.
Austin, Texas

Casa Neverlandia

This eclectic, mosaic-clad home includes a bamboo ping-pong loft and a "Whispermaphones" intercom.
Salem, Massachusetts

Witch Dungeon Museum

Experience the hysteria of a 17th century witch hunt through goofy reenactments and wax dummies that should probably be burned at the stake.
Natural Bridge, Virginia

Dinosaur Kingdom II

An alternate history park where the Union Army loses the war... to dinosaurs.
Hamburg, New Jersey

The Gingerbread Castle

Once in a state of dilapidation, this candy-inspired fortress is now being revived.
Brooklyn, New York


The last slot car racing arcade in Brooklyn is keeping the dream of speedy little autos alive.
Austin, Texas

Sparky Park

A former electrical substation is now home to an eccentric junk art masterpiece.
Los Angeles, California

Walt Disney's Carolwood Barn

The famous animator's private station house and man-cave was the birthplace of imagineering.
Pittston, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Knox Coal Distribution Center

The graffitied ruins stand hidden within the Pennsylvania woods.