Emily Sue's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Fountain City, Wisconsin
Places added to Duluth, Minnesota
Places visited in Sparta, Wisconsin
Places edited in Yucca Valley, California
Places added to Minnesota
Places edited in Fountain City, Wisconsin
Places visited in Duluth, Minnesota
Places edited in Baker, Nevada
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Štulac, Serbia

Popina Memorial Park

Serbia's master of striking memorials erected a forgotten, hidden gem in the hills outside a tiny village.
Ilidža, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum

This museum preserves the hand-dug tunnel that kept Sarajevo afloat during the Serbian siege.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Oriental bazaar in the heart of Sarajevo.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo Bobsleigh Track

A war-torn Olympic relic is being overtaken by graffiti and nature.
Tjentište, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tjentiste War Memorial

These warring psychedelic crags commemorate an unsuccessful military operation.
Dera, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kozara Memorial Monument

This brutalist monument is inscribed with 9921 names of Yugoslav partisans who perished during WWII.
Čačak, Serbia

Čačak Mausoleum of Struggle and Victory

This symbol of Yugoslav liberation decorated with 620 carved heads of mythical creatures is now a forlorn relic of another time.
Kragujevac, Serbia

Šumarice Memorial Park

Abstract monuments express sorrow and resilience at the site of a horrific massacre in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
Novo Selo Palanječko, Croatia

Monument to the Detachment in Brezovica Forest

A tower marking the spot where Yugoslavia began its resistance against the invading Nazis stands neglected, but not quite forgotten.
Željava, Croatia

Zeljava Airbase

Yugoslavia's biggest underground airport lies in ruins.
Plitvička Jezera, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes

A chain of 16 wondrous lakes formed as a result of the gradual dissolution of soluble layers of bedrock.
Malička, Croatia

Petrova Gora

This huge metal monument is slowly being stripped to its concrete skeleton.
Tacoma, Washington

Sanford & Son Antiques

This three-story antique market and curiosity emporium claims to be "the largest singly owned antique shop in the Pacific Northwest."
Bath, England

Sally Lunn's

This restaurant's specialty is "a major enigma for food historians."
New York, New York

Castle Williams

In its day this historic fort held 100 cannons pointed in almost every direction to protect New York.
Brooklyn, New York

Turk's Inn

A Wisconsin kitsch palace from the 1930s lives its second life in 21st-century Brooklyn.
Schroeder, Minnesota

Father Baraga's Cross

A giant granite cross remembers missionary Father Frederic Baraga, and his safe passage across an angry Lake Superior.
Eagle Harbor, Michigan

The Jampot

On the shores of Lake Superior, a small group of monks makes sacred sweets.
Los Angeles, California

Marilyn Monroe's Crypt

Her final resting place was intended to be modest and private, but the power of her popularity continues to draw visitors.
Toronto, Ontario

Casa Loma

A 98-room castle in the middle of Toronto that bankrupted a 19th century electricity multimillionaire.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

North Point Water Tower

What appears to be a wizard's lair in Milwaukee actually houses a massive water pipe.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Renaissance Book Shop

A wonderfully curated used bookstore in an airport.
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

James Tellen Woodland Sculpture Garden

Whimsical sculptures dot a woodland path surrounding their creator's old summer cottage.
New York, New York

Irish Hunger Memorial

Blighted Irish field and the ruins of a 19th-century cottage on the edge of urban Manhattan.