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Paris, France

Musée National de la Marine

Museum on French naval history, with magnificent figureheads, a historic diving suit, and a boat used by Napoleon.
Paris, France

The Heart of Voltaire

In the best of all possible worlds, everyone will get a chance to see this statue in which Voltaire's heart is interred.
Paris, France

Harry's New York Bar

A favorite Paris bar for U.S. expats, including Gershwin, Hemingway, and James Bond.
Paris, France

Julien Aurouze and Co.

A Parisian exterminator's shop whose storefront displays stuffed rats hanging from traps.
Paris, France

Musée de la Vie Romantique

Down a cobblestone alleyway is a museum dedicated to Romanticism, with a secret garden.
Paris, France

Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy

This museum houses an imposing skeleton army comprised of creatures great and small.
Paris, France

Le Musee des Moulages

A unrivaled and rather horrifying collection of wax dermatological models.
Paris, France

Musée Curie

The history of radiation is on safe display at the foot of a radiation science laboratory.
Paris, France

Deyrolle Taxidermy

Paris' fabled purveyor of exotic taxidermy and natural history curios.
Paris, France

Foucault's Pendulum

19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Paris, France

Jules Lavirotte's 29 Avenue Rapp

A scandalous Art Nouveau collaboration that set Paris all atwitter at the turn of the century.
Paris, France

Musée Carnavalet

A museum on the history of Paris, including a set of Napoleon's toiletries, Proust's room, and relics of the Revolution.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Paris, France

Musée Dupuytren

Weird wax anatomical models reside here, as do other anatomical specimens.
Paris, France

Musee de la Magie

A museum of magic with a Sadist past.
Paris, France

The Room of Endangered and Extinct Species

A haunting collection of the vanished and disappearing natural world.
Paris, France

Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)

This massive library holds what was once the largest book collection in the world.
Paris, France

Gustave Eiffel's Secret Apartment

High atop the Eiffel Tower is a small apartment built exclusively to entertain the science elite and make the rest of Paris jealous.
Paris, France

House of Nicolas Flamel

The oldest stone house in Paris was built by its most famous alchemist.
Paris, France

Shakespeare and Company

This iconic Parisian bookstore doubles as the "Tumbleweed Hotel" for traveling writers.
Paris, France

Petite Ceinture

Abandoned railway line circling the city of Paris.
Paris, France

59 Rivoli

Notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios.
Paris, France

Museum of Vampires

The macabre collection of Jacques Sirgent, an expert scholar on the undead and all of their trappings.