ericeisberg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Potsdam, New York

Potty Gardens

Three gardens with toilets and urinals filled with bright flowers started as a protest against zoning rules.
Seneca Falls, New York

When Anthony Met Stanton

This statue commemorates the meeting of the most influential minds of the women’s rights movement.
Sodus, New York

Abandoned Girl Scout Camp at Beechwood State Park

A deteriorating 1990s Girl Scout camp in a beautiful lush park on Lake Ontario.
Batavia, New York

Morgan Monument

A towering cemetery monument honors a man who threatened to expose the Freemasons and paid with his life.
Palmyra, New York

The Sacred Grove

A field in which God and his son Jesus purportedly appeared to a young farm boy named Joseph Smith.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Abandoned Subway

The remains of a failed subway in upstate New York is now an underground graffiti bunker.
Rochester, New York

The National Toy Hall of Fame

A collection of the best toys ever made, The National Toy Hall of Fame is filled with kids, fun, and for some reason, a bird preserve.
Detroit, Michigan

Geodesic Dome House

Concrete igloos standing across from what remains of the Michigan Central train depot.
Spearfish, South Dakota

Termesphere Gallery

This geodesic gallery holds a collection of painted spheres that make traditional canvases look lazy by comparison.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Museum of Modern Renaissance

This former Masonic hall has been turned into an art project that uses even more metaphysical iconography.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Charles William Jr. House

This Massachusetts home was the first to have a telephone line and its own phone number: 1.
Boston, Massachusetts

Bunker Hill Monument

This monument on Breed's Hill proves that one of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War is misnamed.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lobster Mickey

This "life-size" depiction of Mickey Mouse as a half-lobster is both whimsical and a bit creepy, standing guard over the Boston waterfront.
Boston, Massachusetts

USS Constitution

Berthed at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston, "Old Ironsides" is the oldest commissioned warship still afloat.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Sacco & Vanzetti Funeral

This funeral home had the honor, if that is the correct word, of hosting the funeral of the famous Sacco and Vanzetti.
Boston, Massachusetts

Great Boston Molasses Flood Plaque

The site of one of the strangest disasters in history—a wave of deadly molasses traveling at 35 mph.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mather Home

This ambitious father and son team reigned supreme over the North End, and witches, for many years.
Lowell, Massachusetts

Jack Kerouac's Grave

According to legend, Bob Dylan sneaks in twice a year to eat dinner with Jack.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation

A steampunk wonderland that preserves America's history of industrial innovation.
Concord, Massachusetts

Walden Pond

"the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well . . . The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges."
Rutland, Massachusetts

Rutland Prison Camp

The ruins of a Massachusetts prison farm can still be found crumbling the woods of a state park.
Princeton, Massachusetts

Redemption Rock

This massive boulder is inscribed with the story of a sensational hostage negotiation dating back to Colonial times.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Busta Rhymes Island

One man is on a singular quest to name an island after a famous hip-hop artist.
Oneida, New York

Cross Island Chapel

Possibly the smallest church in the world floats in the middle of a pond.