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New Orleans, Louisiana

The New Orleans Train Garden

Tiny historical streetcars wind through a small scale version of Crescent City in this whimsical train garden.
New Orleans, Louisiana

House of Dance & Feathers

A private museum dedicated to preserving the heritage of Mardi Gras' most beloved underdog parades, open by appointment.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Kermit's Tremé Mother-in-Law Lounge

"If she'd leave us alone, we would have a happy home, sent from down below."
New Orleans, Louisiana

Backstreet Cultural Museum

The greatest collection of New Orleans masking and processional traditions covering everything from Baby Dolls to Skull and Bone gangs.
New Orleans, Louisiana

F. Scott Fitzgerald's Boarding House

A house of courtship where the Jazz Age's most storied lovers got their start.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Mardi Gras World

This float factory takes the mask off of Mardi Gras and lets visitors see where the magic happens.
New Orleans, Louisiana

House of Broel

An impressive collection of dollhouses and an homage to the frog-leg canning industry.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Faerie Playhouse

A pink cottage covered in hearts served as a haven and a resting place for LGBTQ activists.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Eiffel Tower of New Orleans

A little piece of Paris in the sultry south of the U.S.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Museum of the American Cocktail

If New Orleans is the birthplace of the "cocktail," why does their own museum of cocktail memorabilia beg to differ?
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Sazerac Bar

This bar named after the world's first mixed cocktail was home to one of New Orleans' most notorious politicians.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Escape My Room

Imagine playing a version of Legends of the Hidden Temple, but with a distinctly Southern Gothic flare.
New Orleans, Louisiana


Storyville was New Orleans' historic red light district and hotbed of jazz music, sometimes referred to simply as "The District."
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo

A museum and shop on Bourbon Street located in the former home of the second Voodoo Queen of New Orleans.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Singing Oak

This New Orleans tree is filled with hidden chimes that produce a carefully tuned melody.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

The second oldest continuously operating bar in Louisiana.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Gates of Guinee

According to one local tradition, the entrance to the Voodoo underworld can be found in New Orleans through seven gates scattered throughout the city's French Quarter.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House

A 200-year-old bar in the historic French Quarter refuses to give up its place in history, nor its role in securing ours.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The New Orleans Treehouse

Site of a former hidden treehouse in New Orleans.
New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum

A snapshot of the city's fascinating voodoo culture.
Natchez, Mississippi

Mammy's Cupboard

This racially troublesome eatery thought a new coat of paint could erase its offensive connotations.
Natchez, Mississippi


A grandiose octagonal home crowned by a large dome stands out among the antebellum mansions.
Leland, Mississippi

Birthplace of Kermit the Frog

A Muppet museum in small-town Mississippi honors the roots of Jim Henson's most beloved creation.
Vicksburg, Mississippi

Margaret's Grocery and Market

A four-hour holy-rolling, Hallelujah-shouting, Southern gospel service, rendered as a country market where "All Is Welcome, Jews, and Gentiles."