etiennebara's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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etiennebara's activity rankings
Places visited in Longyearbyen, Norway
Places added to Nuuk, Greenland
Places visited in Inari, Finland
Places added to Bordeaux, France
Places visited in Kalsoy, Faroe Islands
Places visited in Kastrup, Denmark
Places visited in Bordeaux, France
Places added to Greenland
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Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Phallological Museum

An encyclopedic collection of mammal penises.
Reykjavik, Iceland


One of the tallest buildings in Iceland, and perhaps, the most visually impressive.
Oslo, Norway

'She Lies'

This floating sculpture of ice is a poignant reminder of nature's power.
Oslo, Norway

Fram Museum

Housing the famous Norwegian ice-defying 19th century polar exploration ship.
Oslo, Norway

Oslo Opera House

The design of this beautifully crafted building was inspired by Norwegian glaciers.
Oslo, Norway

The Mini Bottle Gallery

Tens of thousands of tiny bottles stuffed with various items.
Oslo, Norway

Vigeland Sculpture Park

One man's exploration of the human form, including the bizarre and delightful "Man Attacked by Babies."
Copenhagen, Denmark


This ordinary street was made infamous by a legendary visit from the devil.
Paris, France

Musée du quai Branly (Quai Branly Museum)

This Parisian gem is one of the most incredible ethnographic museums in the world.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu Durbar Square

This historic square in Nepal is home to temples dating back to the third century.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Kathmandu, Nepal

The Garden of Dreams

This elegant neoclassical garden is a peaceful oasis in the middle of the Nepalese capital.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Khangsar, Nepal


Named after the Goddess of Harvests, Annapurna is the deadliest member of the Eight-thousanders club.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Swayambhunath Monkey Temple

Sacred Buddhist home of some spiritual monkeys.
Kathmandu, Nepal

The Toothache Tree

Nailing a coin to this holy stump is just another way to ask the gods for relief from dental pain.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Boudhanath Stupa

One of the largest Buddhist stupas in the world keeps an eye out in every direction.
Bhaktapur, Nepal

Nyatapola Temple

Towering at a height of over 30 meters, this turn-of-the-18th-century landmark is the tallest temple in Nepal.
Gudhjem, Denmark

Østerlars Church

The largest of Denmark's seven mysterious round churches stands on an island in the Baltic Sea.
Desert Springs, Australia

Olive Pink Botanic Garden

Olive’s garden serves up a seemingly endless helping of outback delights.
Odawara, Japan

The Hydrangea Train

Coast along one of Japan’s mountain railways for coveted views of magnificent hydrangeas.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jarmers Tower

The only surviving piece of Copenhagen's 16th-century defensive wall.
Berlin, Germany

Carillon Berlin-Tiergarten

One of the world's heaviest musical instruments towers within a popular urban park.
Berlin, Germany

Stolpersteine Holocaust Memorials

Tiny memorials honor individual victims of the Holocaust.