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Paris, France

Un Regard Moderne Bookstore

A counter-culture bookstore like no other hides in plain sight in the streets of Paris.
Paris, France

House of Nicolas Flamel

The oldest stone house in Paris was built by its most famous alchemist.
Paris, France

Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)

This massive library holds what was once the largest book collection in the world.
Paris, France

Père Lachaise Cemetery

France's most famous cemetery, with some of its most curious tombs.
Paris, France

Museum of Vampires

The macabre collection of Jacques Sirgent, an expert scholar on the undead and all of their trappings.
Paris, France

The Bouquinistes of Paris

The tradition of open-air secondhand and antiquarian bookselling in Paris dates back to the Renaissance.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
La Palma, Spain

The Black Beaches of La Palma

Volcanic rocks ground down into sand make this Spanish beach as black as night.
Alicante, Spain

Hogueras de Alicante (Bonfires of Alicante)

A celebration of solstice followed by a fiery purging of evils.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Cave of Zugarramurdi

This Navarrese cave's history of witchcraft and pagan ritual is not just embraced, but recreated each year.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Museo de las Brujas (Witches Museum)

A museum dedicated to the Spanish occult in a town that was terrorized by the Inquisition.
Ribadavia, Spain

Herminia's Bakery

A pastry shop specializing in Sephardic sweets serves historic recipes in Ribadavia’s Jewish quarter.
Titulcia, Spain

Cave of the Moon

Mysterious Spanish catacombs of unknown origins.
Madrid, Spain

Convent of the Holy Spirit Crypts

Remains of the lost church hide beneath this Spanish Parliament building.
Madrid, Spain

Kiosko de Horchata Miguel y José

Madrid's last horchata kiosk is a blue-and-white beacon of refreshment.
Manzanares el Real, Spain

The Ibex of La Pedriza

This species of wild goat stars in witchy legends and frolics among the park's eerie rock formations.
Madrid, Spain

Sobrino de Botin

The oldest restaurant in the world is this old-world Spanish eatery, still known for its suckling pig.
Madrid, Spain

Templo de Debod

An ancient Egyptian temple in the middle of Madrid, Spain.
Barcelona, Spain

Montjuïc Cemetery

This cemetery features modernist statues as strange as its name.
Porto, Portugal

Igreja de São Francisco Catacombs

Ancient catacombs form the foundation for this Rococo orgy of a church.
Sintra, Portugal

Quinta da Regaleira

This eccentrically decorated palace is replete with grottoes, fountains, tunnels, and caves.
Pavia, Portugal

Anta de Pavia

Pagan monument converted to Christianity with the population.
Évora, Portugal

Portugal's Chapel of Bones

A 16th century chapel decorated with bones, skulls, and entire bodies hanging from the wall.
Lagoa, Portugal

Benagil Caves

Perhaps the most spectacular grotto along the Algarve coastline.