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Tokyo, Japan

Shitamachi Museum

A museum dedicated to the history of Tokyo's often-overlooked working-class district.
Tokyo, Japan

Koukokuji Buddhist Temple

Inside the columbarium, thousands of colorful, high-tech Buddhas guard the ashes of the dead.
Nagakute-shi, Japan

Satsuki and Mei's House

A real-life replica of a home from Hayao Miyazaki's beloved movie "My Neighbor Totoro."
Tokyo, Japan

Hachikō's Grave

People from around the world visit the shrine of Japan’s legendarily loyal dog.
Tokyo, Japan

Jimbōchō Book Town

A bibliophile's heaven that contains hundreds of bookstores, offering over a third of secondhand books for sale in Tokyo.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Scenic Railway

A train ride to the middle of nowhere gives its passengers some of the most iconic views of Japan's seasons.
Koganei, Japan

Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum

Thirty architectural gems from the 19th- and early 20th-century Tokyo were restored and relocated to this space.
Tokyo, Japan

Yanaka Cemetery

This sprawling scenic burial ground is the final resting place of Japan's last shogun.
Tokyo, Japan

Mushizuka at Kan'ei-ji Temple

A Buddhist temple to honor insects that died for science.
Tokyo, Japan


Drinkslinger is an unlikely vocation for a Buddhist monk, but at this Tokyo bar the enlightenment is served in a martini glass.
Tokyo, Japan

Meguro Parasitological Museum

Meet the world's longest tapeworm in a collection that really gets under your skin.
Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo’s only Ainu restaurant serves Indigenous food from northern Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Mohri Garden Pond

An ordinary pond with fish from out of this world.
Tokyo, Japan


This subterranean spot might be the epitome of Japan's baroque, retro coffee houses.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto Botanical Garden

With over 12,000 different species of plants, this botanical garden is Japan's oldest and most diverse.
Tokyo, Japan


After a profound show of devotion for his master, a dog becomes the symbol of loyalty for an entire nation.
Kyoto, Japan


The quintessential Japanese rock garden has existed for more than 500 years.
Tokyo, Japan

Sōgenji Temple (Kappa-Dera)

Shrine to Japanese water-goblins, complete with their preserved body parts.
Kyoto, Japan

Otagi Nenbutsu-ji

Twelve hundred stone carvings guard this off-the-beaten-path Buddhist temple.
Yokohama, Japan

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum

This historical theme park celebrates all things noodle.
Tokyo, Japan


Every color in the rainbow awaits.
Tokyo, Japan


This Buddhist temple is home to the graves of the Japanese national legends, the 47 Ronin.
Kyoto, Japan

Yokai Street

This neighborhood thoroughfare is haunted by dozens of homemade monsters.
Tokyo, Japan

Godzilla Head

Not quite the menace it once was, this monster still has some chops.