vicsve88's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bärnbach, Austria

Church of St. Barbara

Bizarrely-painted church designed by a controversial artist.
Klosterneuburg, Austria

Gugging House of Artists

This outsider art house has gone from clinical creation to astounding artwork.
Kladovo, Serbia

Fetislam Fortress

One of the most important fortresses along the Danube now lies in ruins.
Lapovo, Serbia

Football Monument

Dedicated to one of the pioneers of Serbian football.
Kragujevac, Serbia

Varoško Groblje

Zastava automobile sculptures and images grace various gravestones in this cemetery.
Szabadkígyós, Hungary


This castle was designed to have as many windows as there are days in the year.
Bratislava, Slovakia


Thousands of slain Soviet soldiers are buried within the shadow of this enormous obelisk.
Prague, Czechia

R2-D2 of Prague

Street artists transformed an abandoned air vent into the beloved Star Wars robot.
Prague, Czechia

Olšany Cemetery

Walk through Czech history in Prague's largest graveyard.
Bucharest, Romania

Palace of the Parliament

This communist behemoth is the heaviest building in the world and a legacy of a brutal regime.