fbrummett's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Little Free Library in a 110-Year-Old Tree Stump

A black cottonwood gets a second life as a home for books.
Pocatello, Idaho

Museum of Clean

A museum dedicated to the history and art of staying clean.
Boise, Idaho

The Basque Block

A small section of Boise, Idaho maintains the unique culture and traditions of the Basque people.
Leadore, Idaho

Gilmore Ghost Town

A few dilapidated structures are all that remain of this deserted former silver mining town.
Wallace, Idaho

Burke Ghost Town

A mining town, now abandoned, was built in a canyon so narrow that the railroad ran right through the hotel lobby.
Idaho City, Idaho

Idaho City

A former gold rush boomtown has managed to stay in business for over 100 ramshackle years.
Sun Valley, Idaho

Ernest Hemingway's Grave

Despite his legacy of work in Spain, Cuba, and Florida, the larger-than-life writer's grave is a simple affair tucked in an Idaho cemetery.
Cottonwood, Idaho

Dog Bark Park Inn

Sweet Willy, at 30 feet tall, is the world's biggest beagle.
Stanley, Idaho

Custer Ghost Town

See just what life was like in a 19th-century prospecting town.
Arco, Idaho

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Home to the deepest rift anywhere on Earth.
Sandy Hook, Mississippi

Smitty's Super Service Station

One of the few existing, fully functional Showbiz Pizza animatronic shows.
Vicksburg, Mississippi

Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum

A museum in Mississippi celebrates the history of Coca-Cola and the man who brought it to the masses.
Natchez, Mississippi

'Turning Angel' Statue

This monument to the victims of a tragic explosion is said to turn and look at passing cars.
Meridian, Mississippi

Grave of Kelly Mitchell

The simple gravesite of a Romany clan leader is dotted with offerings, including cans of her favorite drink, Crush orange soda.
Natchez, Mississippi


A grandiose octagonal home crowned by a large dome stands out among the antebellum mansions.
Natchez, Mississippi

The Emerald Mound

The second-largest ceremonial mound in the United States is an artificial hill that is loosely shaped like a pentagon.
Toomsuba, Mississippi

Simmons-Wright Company Store

This historic general store still operates much as it did in the late 1800s.
Clarksdale, Mississippi

Clarksdale Crossroads

Giant novelty guitars now mark the spot where Robert Johnson is said to have sold his soul to the devil.
Oxford, Mississippi

Rowan Oak

William Faulkner kept his beloved estate wild and untamed.
Leland, Mississippi

Birthplace of Kermit the Frog

A Muppet museum in small-town Mississippi honors the roots of Jim Henson's most beloved creation.
Claiborne County, Mississippi

Windsor Ruins

An eerie and beautiful group of columns mark the site of a grand mansion lost to time and fire.
Lake Charles, Louisiana

Bilbo Cemetery

This creepy, yet oddly beautiful cemetery is home to one of the founding fathers of Lake Charles.
Jacksonville, Florida

The USS Orleck

After serving in Vietnam, Korea, and even a stint in the Turkish navy, the unique ship is now open as a museum.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Moriarty Monument

The tallest monument in a historic New Orleans cemetery was prompted by romance and dash of pettiness.