featherdust1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Weeping Glass

A beautiful oddities shop crammed with strange and morbid curiosities.
Gardners, Pennsylvania

Appalachian Trail Museum

A museum dedicated to the history & joys of the trail & your best chance to see hikers throwing up ice cream.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wanamaker Grand Court Organ

The sounds of the world's largest fully functioning pipe organ dazzle shoppers at a Philadelphia Macy's.
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania

The Pennsic War at Coopers Lake

An otherwise quiet campground becomes a bustling medieval town for two weeks every year.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh's Snoopy Doghouse

Despite being stolen multiple times, this civic electrician's street corner Snoopy won't be stopped.
Milford, Pennsylvania

Grey Towers

One of the U.S. Forest Service's only mansions is outfitted with a dinner table for floating food.
Orrtanna, Pennsylvania

Mr. Ed's Elephant Museum

An almost life-sized elephant named Ms. Ellie greets visitors at this jumbo-themed museum.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bicycle Heaven

With 3,000 bikes on display, the world's largest bicycle museum includes some famous rarities.
Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania

Delaware River Viaduct

This huge, disused viaduct is now a crumbling concrete underworld of covered in years of graffiti.
Loretto, Pennsylvania

Prince Demetrius Gallitzin Crypt

The mortal remains of a Russian prince, priest and paranormal investigator who came to America in 1792.
Altoona, Pennsylvania

Horseshoe Curve

This dramatic rail curve was once the target of a failed Nazi attack.
Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania

Old Jail Museum

This jail which was in service for over a century is now open for curious visitors.
Columbia, Pennsylvania

National Watch and Clock Museum

North America’s largest collection of horological devices and home to a colossal clock with a dizzying array of features.
Salisbury, Pennsylvania

Mount Davis

Pennsylvania's highest point is spotted with boulders which were pushed to the surface by nothing but cold.
Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania

Hickory Run Boulder Field

A field of nothing but boulders which resembles a giant's gravel driveway.
Coudersport, Pennsylvania

Coudersport Ice Mine

Contrary to what one might expect, ice forms inside this small cavern during the summer and melts during the winter.
Archbald, Pennsylvania

Archbald Pothole

It would take 35 firetrucks to fill this enormous glacial pothole.
Altoona, Pennsylvania


Behold the rickety wooden glory of the world's oldest operating roller coaster.
Cresco, Pennsylvania

Devil's Hole Ruins

These beautiful ruins deep in the Pennsylvania woods are thought to have been a ski lodge or a speakeasy, but no one really knows.