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Nice, France

La Tete Carrée Library

This massive blockhead sculpture hides an entire library.
Lyon, France

Ancient Roman Theaters of Lyon

Lyon, France is home to two remarkably preserved Roman theaters, one dating back to 15 BCE.
Clermont-Ferrand, France

Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral

A Gothic cathedral created from volcanic rocks.
Aubeterre-sur-Dronne, France

Underground Church of Saint-Jean at Aubeterre-sur-Dronne

The largest underground church in Europe.
Asque, France

Gourgue d'Asque

A French valley with forests so lush it was nicknamed "the Small Amazonia of the Pyrenees."
Lyon, France

Astronomical Clock of Lyon

For hundreds of years, automatons moving to metallic music have been marking the passage of time.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Paris, France

Arènes de Lutèce

Remains of Roman amphitheater hidden in a sleepy quarter of Paris.
Tonnerre, France

Fosse Dionne

This natural French spring has been turned into a magical grotto by Roman and medieval constructions.
Paris, France

Cannonball of the Hotel de Sens

A lone cannonball remains lodged in the walls of the Hotel de Sens as a sober reminder of a revolution.
Cahors, France

Pont Valentre

A 14th century bridge built as a fortress, where the devil lurks on one of its towers.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.
Saint-Pierre-Colamine, France

Jonas Caves

A cave dwelling that was started by the Celts, expanded by monks, and finished by knights.
Aigues-Mortes, France

Salin Aigues-Mortes

This salt marsh in Southern France is as pink as the flamingos that inhabit it.
Paris, France

Le Passe-Muraille

This surreal statue brings a famous French novel about a supernatural cad to arresting life.
Paris, France

Louis XIV's Globes

Two awe-inspiring globes from the reign of the Sun King hang from the ceiling of France's national library.
Paris, France

Rue du Chat-qui-Pêche

The narrowest street in Paris.
Paris, France

'Les Spécialistes' Fake Door

This banal Parisian entranceway is not what it seems.
Montignac, France

Cave of Lascaux

Ancient paintings known as the "Sistine Chapel of Cave Art."
Saint-Ouen, France

Tombées du Camion

Stroll through retro Paris while shopping for old postcards and discarded doll heads.
Chevilly-Larue, France

Rungis International Market

Walk through spectacular aisles of hanging meat and wagon wheel–sized cheese at the world's largest wholesale food market.
Jumièges, France

Ruins of the Jumiège Abbey

Sacked by Vikings, blessed by William the Conqueror, dealt a fatal blow during the French Revolution—these ruins have seen it all.
Oradour-sur-Glane, France


This French ghost town from World War II has been left as a memorial to German atrocities during World War II.