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Places edited in Hastings, Nebraska
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Rochester, New York

Cary Graphic Arts Collection

Explore the evolution of printing technology, from cuneiform to Kindle.
White Post, Virginia

The White Post

An eponymous directional signpost erected by the first president of the United States.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Salvador Dalí Museum

Florida might be at its most surreal in this museum devoted to the famed Spanish artist.
Chicago, Illinois

Nike Missile Site C-44

A relic of the Cold War in Chicago.
Sanborn Township, Michigan

Dinosaur Gardens

One man’s vision of living among dinosaurs credits Jesus Christ as the engine of biological evolution.
Helena, Montana

Stonehouse in Reeder's Alley

One home in the historic strip hides secret compartments and the ghostly songs of long-gone canaries.
Hastings, Nebraska

The Hastings Museum Kool-Aid Exhibit

The home for all things Kool-Aid offers everything except a chance to actually enjoy the drink.
Depoe Bay, Oregon

Cape Foulweather

The first North American landing spot for James Cook on his third voyage of discovery in the Pacific.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Barrow, Alaska

Barrow Whale Bone Arch

The "Gateway to the Arctic" connects Barrow's indigenous population with the sea and its traditional industry: whaling.