Fox Heiress's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Augusta, Maine

The First Amendment Museum

Located in the historic home of a newspaper publisher, this museum is dedicated to the Freedom of Speech.
Rangeley, Maine

Gnome Village

Hidden among the trees at the Rangeley Lakes Trails Center are more than 20 gnomes in small wooden houses.
Bethel, Maine

Maine Mineral & Gem Museum

A showcase of geologic history is home to one of the largest collection of lunar meteorites on Earth.
Rumford, Maine

Grand Derangement Memorial

Plaque remembering the 18th century forced relocation of Acadians.
Bangor, Maine

Bangor Police Museum

This museum explores the history of policing and is also home to a very popular taxidermied duck.
Lubec, Maine

McCurdy Smokehouse

This waterfront museum in Maine is dedicated to the history of the smoked-herring trade.
Moscow, Maine

Million Dollar Birdhouse Wall

A collection of birdhouses await curious motorists and avian squatters.
Rockland, Maine

The Center for Science, Leadership & Marine Research

On Hurricane Island, a former ghost town has been transformed into a forward-thinking research center.
Norway, Maine

Weary Club

This 90-year-old building is home to possibly the most New Englandy social club in existence.
Biddeford, Maine

One Blue Sky Mural

A mural of a boy making a phone call connects a southern Maine community to a town in Iraq.
Orono, Maine

Hudson Museum

Largest institutional collection of tomb figures from Western Mexico in the United States.
Bangor, Maine

Bangor Opera House

This Art Deco theater is the last remaining opera house in the “little Broadway of the North.”
Bangor, Maine

Hannibal Hamlin Death Couch

Abraham Lincoln's vice president took his last breath here on July 4, 1891.
Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Goddard Mansion

Abandoned Italianate architecture on the coast of Maine.
Brownville, Maine

Katahdin Iron Works

The remains of a large iron mill that once stood in the remote woods of northern Maine.
Owls Head, Maine

Owls Head Transportation Museum

Every plane, auto, and bicycle in this collection is kept in working order and are regularly demonstrated to the public.
Eastport, Maine

Small Town X Fisherman Statue

Built for television, this statue now serves as an unlikely memorial to a fireman who died on 9/11.
Portland, Maine

The Portland Observatory

The only remaining historic maritime signal station in the United States.
Cushing, Maine

Olson House

If a visit to this farmhouse feels as if you are stepping into an artistic masterpiece, you’d be right.
Ellsworth, Maine

Telephone Museum

As communication goes completely wireless, this Maine museum remembers all the wires that got us to this point.
Monhegan, Maine

D.T. Sheridan Shipwreck

The steel hull of a wrecked tug rests on Lobster Cove on Monhegan Island’s rocky southeastern shore.
Brewer, Maine

Chamberlain Freedom Park

Maine’s only official memorial to the Underground Railroad.
Jonesport, Maine

Maine Coast Sardine History Museum

The whole of Maine's history with the salty little fish is packed into this tiny coastal museum.
South Bristol, Maine

Thompson Ice House Harvesting Museum

For nearly 200 years the same family has harvested ice from a small pond in eastern Maine.