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Chicago, Illinois

Artists of the Wall Painted Bench

These murals have been brightening a Chicago beach for more than 30 years.
Chicago, Illinois

Bob Newhart Statue

Honoring the star of the “The Bob Newhart Show” which took place in the city of Chicago in the 1970s.
Chicago, Illinois

'Ten Thousand Ripples'

Partially submerged Buddha heads freckle Chicago’s neighborhoods.
Chicago, Illinois

95th Street Bridge

This urban drawbridge gained eternal pop culture fame when the Blues Brothers jumped it while it was raised.
Chicago, Illinois

Hudson Chess Park

A Japanese temple, old German townhouses, and public chess tables offer a peaceful escape from the bustle of the North Side.
Chicago, Illinois

Shipwreck of the Silver Spray

This historic-shipwreck-cum-diving-spot can still be seen poking its boiler out of the Lake Michigan waters that claimed it.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Tomb

No one knows how many bodies are in this vault in a Chicago public park.
Chicago, Illinois

Narwhals at the Field Museum

To find the "unicorns of the deep" you've got to go downstairs.
Chicago, Illinois

North Avenue Baths Facade

Former bath house turns gastropub.
Chicago, Illinois

Coyote Building

One of the last functioning antique elevators in Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Confederate Mound

The final resting place of up to 6,000 Confederate soldiers, the largest mass grave in the Western Hemisphere.
Chicago, Illinois

Beer Baron Row

These mansions date back to Chicago's days as a brewer's paradise.
Chicago, Illinois

Man With Fish

This awkward aquarium sculpture is one of the strangest statues in Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Inez Clarke Monument

A strange and haunting monument of unknown origin in the historic Graceland Cemetery.
Chicago, Illinois

Concrete Traffic

An actual 1957 Cadillac De Ville, encased in 15 cubic yards of concrete.
Chicago, Illinois

Walt Disney's Chicago Birthplace

A chance to follow in the footsteps of the word's most legendary animator.
Chicago, Illinois

Championship Vinyl in "High Fidelity"

Where Cusack's record store from the film "High Fidelity" was located.
Chicago, Illinois

American Writers Museum

Small and slightly hidden, the American Writers Museum is preserving the legacy of America's finest authors.
Chicago, Illinois

The remains of "Polish Broadway"

Where old school Polish Chicago and young hipster Chicago live side by side.
Chicago, Illinois

Heald Square Monument's Statue of Liberty

The iconic Chicago sculpture hides a beautiful and easily overlooked plaque on the backside.
Chicago, Illinois

The Renaissance Society

An avant garde art museum at the University of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Poetry Foundation Library

The 30,000-volume library is one of the world's most impressive poetry collections.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Mosaic School

Assemble a masterpiece at the first and only North American school exclusively dedicated to mosaic art.
Chicago, Illinois

World Artifacts on the Tribune Tower Walls

Fragments of architectural wonders from around the globe are embedded in the newspaper building's walls.